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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Will I get sick?

    I'm so glad there are other people who understand this fear! Anyway, I saw my girlfriend earlier today and she v* last Friday and had a headache yesterday. Not sure if she had d* though. I washed my hands as soon as she left, but I did kiss her this morning. I talked to her tonight and she said she was feeling better. Should I be worried? I'm supposed to see her tomorrow for lunch and on Wednesday as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Will I get sick?

    I think it's likely that the headache was unrelated. She was likely done with the illness on Friday or Saturday. The fact that you wash your hands reduces your risk of catching what she had. And as long as you didn't kiss her after she v*, I think you should be fine.

    Does she know about your emetophobia? Maybe you can explain your nerves at the moment and postpone your lunch date if you're really feeling anxious about it. But if not, it should be safe. I'm mainly saying to postpone the lunch date tomorrow to help your nerves, not because you're likely to catch it from her tomorrow.

    To answer your question: I can't really tell you that you won't get sick, but I doubt it very much. Let us know how you feel and how everything goes. Hopefully your gf is understanding

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Will I get sick?

    I haven't gotten sick yet so I avoided it from her. However, I feel like everyone has been getting sick though. I couldn't bring myself to go to class today because a friend of mine texted me that she wasn't feeling well and her boyfriend was sick. It's so difficult to deal with this!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Pennsylvania, USA

    Default Re: Will I get sick?

    I understand your pain :/ I really hate this time of year where everyone is getting sick. But I'm glad you dodged getting sick.



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