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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Thumbs down need some reassurance please.. :(

    hey guys,
    yesterday I posted on this forum about a guy called Joe at my work place v* after complaining of a sore stomach all through work that day. I was in a state because I did not think he'd be sick, I thought he was possibly hungover etc.

    well now I just need some reassurance during this tense 'waiting time'...
    I've been thinking about all the possibilities and I've come to the conclusion that Joe couldn't have had a SV because he went out that same night and drank with all the guys at my work place. I checked his Facebook (because I was THAT worried) to make sure he hadn't posted a status about him being stuck in bed v* but nothing was on there apart from a status saying he was hungover.
    but I really want to know why he had been all flushed, getting dizzy and then only v* once?? does that sound like food poisoning or something like that?

    I have been washing my hands obsessively and making sure I'm drinking plenty of water, but every now and again I get n* because of my goddamn anxiety.
    I just want to know if I'll be okay?
    I'm sure I'd be feeling the effects by now?!

    thanks in advance xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: need some reassurance please.. :(

    It sounds like you'll be okay, don't worry too much!! If he'd been drinking then the reason for his v* would definitely be a hangover It's still good to wash your hands and keep clean, but I think that you'll be perfectly fine. It probably wasn't food poisoning or an sv, sounds like a plain old hangover. I just went through some "waiting", so I can relate to how you feel. Hope you feel better sooon x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: need some reassurance please.. :(

    You are fine and you will be fine... I don't think I've ever heard of someone having a SV* and then drinking the same night, most people can't even eat the same night nevermind drink alcohol I'm not sure if your saying he drank before this happened or after but if he drank before then it's def a hangover!.. the part of this is even if he was sick you didn't not come in contact with him after he was sick, you kept away and took the right precautions. There are women on here where there kids have had the SV* and where the child has V* all over them (sorry for the discription) that still never got it! Both my sister, her boyfriend, and my niece were all sick with it and they live here still, and I had no idea they were sick with it until they were better, so I was exposed for over 5 days and never got it! So you will be fine hun! I know your scared hun, but the possiblity is so slim there is no reason to really worry about it!
    Last edited by pinogirl3321; 03-25-2012 at 08:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Default Re: need some reassurance please.. :(

    thanks guys, I'm feeling a little better now!
    What I meant was that he went out drinking after he v* so I'm guessing it wasn't an sv!
    I just hate it when people come into work sick!!! Ew ew eww!
    Thank you again guys! It really helps being on this site! Xx



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