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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Feeling kinda weird, help please?

    Really sorry for the panic post, guys, but I don't feel good at all.

    So last night I dreamed that I v*. It worried me all morning until I got to school. I felt okay at school, and after I got home. I ate some chicken nuggets and cookies. Now, about 5 hours later, I don't feel good at all. My stomach was hurting in the same place it did when I had stomach flu(Lower right side, burning sensation), even though I can't think of anyone who has had it around me. I'm really scared, because tomorrow my class is going to a field trip somewhere 2 hours away, and I'll be without my mom.

    I haven't panicked this bad in years, and I could really use some reassurance right now. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Feeling kinda weird, help please?

    First off, I hate those dreams!! They will freak me out for days!!! Second of all, does the thought of food make you feel n*? that is my test. If I can see myself eating something like toast, then I know that I should eat something or that I am just fine. Chicken nuggets and cookies? Not the best healthy food (I am one to talk, as I am eating some ice cream) but 5 hours later? I know I have to eat every few hours or I feel icky! I hope you feel better!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Feeling kinda weird, help please?

    Also you might be feeling anxiety (which might cause you to be n*) because you'll be going on that field trip and 2 hours away from your mom. I would do what you're most comfortable with and see a therapist to help with this (assuming it is the reason).



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