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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi everyone, i don't really post much but i do come here alot as it is a great site of support and knowledge.

    My questions is about the anti emet Motilium (Domperidone) i have been taking this for some time now as my emet has been bad of late and was wondering if anyone else was getting any side effects? I am a bit concerned as my periods have stopped over the last few months. I've had period trouble over the last few years as i lost so much weight through emet but 6 months ago i put acouple of poundson and they came back with a vengence[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] Then i had a bad emet attack and went into emet anorexia mode, so my doc put me on motilium and i have been taking up to 8 a day since and my periods have disappeared again. Has anyone else had this problem?

    Many thanks and love to all

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Maybe only the nurses on this board could hypothesize about why your periods have stopped. I mean, besides stress and weight loss, which are reasons why, I certainly wouldn't know if anti-emetics bring about period loss.

    My concern is that it sounds like you are abusing your body. Taking eight pills per day, I don't care what kind of pills, cannot be any good for you in general. And then not eating is, of course, not good.

    I apologize for this paragraph sounding harsh:

    Youshould probably go see an ob/gyn and explain about the periods and the pills you are on and your lack of eating. You need to wean yourself off those pills, and you need to start eating healthily. You can't possibly need that many anti-emetics per day. In fact, unless you have some underlying stomach problem, you are more than likely imagining that you are nauseated when you really aren't.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Thanks for replying Japa and your post wasn't harsh at all in fact you were right on the money. My emet has gotten so bad of late that i have been only eating cookies every so often. I am trying to wean myself off thepills but it is difficult, i know i have come to rely on them way too much. My doc doesn't seem to worry too much about the loss of periods and i am on the waiting list here in the UK to see a therapist for CBT for the emet but it could be up to a 6month wait as the list is movingso slowly, so i kinda feel a bit in limbo at the moment. Desperately trying to help myself but its tough (i think we all know that feeling!)

    I suppose what i am worried about is (being almost 34) all this abuse i am putting onto my body will induce a premature menopause, that worries me as i have not had children yet. I think i will try my docs again and see if i can talk with a nurse one to one about my fears

    Once again Japa thanks for taking the time to reply

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Hi, Trinity

    I am a nurse but I am not familiar with that particular med. I am in the USA and I don't think that is used here unless it is a different name. As Japa said, you are taking way too many anti-emetics. I'm not sure if your doctor explained this to you or not, but your body can become dependent on them thus decreasing the effect that they have on your nausea. There may come a time when you really need them and they won't work. Most anti-emetics have an antihistamine in them and antihistamines work to basically "dry up" everything in your body. Although that does help with counteracting *v*, it also can cause problems with all of the mucous membranes in your body, including your intestines and female organs. I'm sure it is possible that they are causing your periods to be irregular. Also with the weight loss/stress/not eating, your periods are probably going to be irregular.

    I hope you can see a therapist and decrease the number of pills you are taking a day. You are actually doing yourself an injustice, because if something happens and *v* is inevitable, your anti-emetics may not work since your body is so used to having them

    Please keep us updated on your progress!

    JessEdited by: jesskali



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