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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    I take Luvox for my phobia. I would like to start a family in the next few years, but am worried about going off of this during pregnancy. Is it safe to take my anti-phobia medication while pregnant? If not, how do I deal with life during the pregnancy, especially the morning sickness? I am really concerned.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    massachussetts United States


    I think you should definately talk to your doctor about it WHILE you're still in planning mode. Mabey you could take it at a low dose or mabey there is a non-drug alternative just for that 9 months. Also ask about anti-emetics.My mom took them with all her pregnancies, but that was a long time ago. I did'nt have morning sickness with my 2. The first, I did'nt even know I was pregnant till month 3. With my second, I was a little queesy but as long as I ate every half hour or so(just small not to flavorful snacks like veggies and plain baked potatoes) I was fine. Now the vitamin, is another story it made me feel very ill, so my doc told me it was ok to take folic acid, iron, and Flintstones vitamins.I used to worry alot about morning sicknessbefore I got pregnant too, but honestly once you ARE pregnant, you are just SO HAPPY to BE pregnant that it's not about you anymore, it's all about the baby inside you and all those "mommy" feelings take away any anxieties. At least,that's how it was for me.And see, I HAD no morning sickness so all that worrying was for nothing.Chances are, you won't either!



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