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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Hello all! I have a question ortwo for you IBSers. First of all, I had a horrible IBS bout yesterday. I had excruciating cramping, and went to the bathroom (loose stools) about 4 times. During that time that I was "going", it felt like my rectum (sorry..LOL) was literally coming out of me and there was a ton of pressure and burning. Is that a normal part of IBS?? I also feltreally sick to my stomachafter my bowel emptied, but it went away fairly quick.

    Yesterday was the first day in years that I have had an episode that bad. That episode was brought on by stress. [img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]

    Anways, also...is it normal to have mucous come out of your rectum after an IBS attack? Man that was new to me! HELP!!!???? Thanks, Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    My doctor told me that having the mucous in your stool is part of IBS. The pressure and burning, hum .......... I dont know about that, could be hemmies, sorry I know, gross topic ............... if you have had a hysterectomy, it could be a rectocele, which is a prolapse of the rectum. I have IBS also, but ........ lucky me, I also have some of these other problems.[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img] Neither of which is bad enough to require surgery right now, but still aggrivating sometimes.

    Im sorry if I am not much help, IBS s**ks!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I get the mucous too and I am trying to remember the pressure and burning. I think I may have had the pressure, but I don't remember the burning that much. Luckily, my IBS has let up somewhat over the past almost a year, so I have had a chance to forget some of those horrible experiences! Is there any blood in your stool? I would call your doctor and just explain what is happening. They may say it's part of the IBS, or they may want to see you.Either way at least you will know what is happening and won't have to worry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Unfortunately it is a part IBS.....I have had it for well over 20 yrs...there is mucus..and that is normal...i sometimes have a full feeling down there too...i do believe it's associated with hemmoroids...and the burning goes along with that. With all the pooping we do with IBS.....it only natural for the skin to be affected around the bum...i have this problem all the time....nothing a little cornstarch won't help I am also nauseas alot....before or after a bowel movement....i think it's worth going to a gastro doc and getting tested for whatever based on all your symptoms...but I haven't done that yet myself...b/c I ama big baby ....if you start getting worse with IBS>..then you really should go be tested....try taking some ginger root capsules...i started those about a month ago....it makes my stomach feel so much better...helps with the nausea too.....take care and good luck...Kate

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    United States


    what are the symptoms and causes of IBS?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Nova Scotia, Canada


    Emily, IBS varries from person to person.

    it goes from extreme constipation in some people, so severe diahhrea in others, and some get the best of both worlds. I am on the D end, but I actually started taking calcium for it and I havent had an episode in about 6 months. I used to praticially LIVE in the bathroom.I can't tell you guys enough how much it might help you. while it doesnt work for everyone, you might just strike gold with it like I did.If you want more info about that, just let me know.

    you might want to google IBS and you should come across a site with message boards of people who all share experiences with this, just like our emet board.
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    United States


    Hi...what Babydoll said was right.....however...there are tons and tons of different IBS symptoms....and it depends on weather you are IBS/C or IBS/D...they both are different and have different symptoms with them...and they all suck....with IBS/D...which is what I have...there is cramps...Diareaha...bloating...mucus in stool...incomplete evacuation...feelings of fullness...etc...the list goes on and on...especially urgency...so that is just my input...i am sure other people have alot more symptoms than I can think of now....Kate

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    For those of you who rotate between D and C, how often does that occur? I used to be only IBS-D, but I have had my experience with the IBS-C here lately too.

  9. #9
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    United States


    Jenny I was primarily D for all 20 or so yrs I have had it...but more and more...the constipation is getting to me...and it's usually just once a month....and it seems to be happening like after my period is over......ha ha since I haven't had one since April....i haven't been constipated too bad......anyway that is how it is for me Kate

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    massachussetts United States


    I have lactose intolerance and I just can't give up cheese entirely so-I'm my own worst enemy!If I eat stuff with milk-hard cheeses,ect.-it's constipation. IfI haveanything with cream-icecream, cream cheese-it's like violent d*. Sorry to be gross. Ialso have had an ulcer and have acid reflux disease but I am SO bad with my choice of diet.

  11. #11
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    Mar 2005


    see a dr about the symptoms. i think what i have is ibs with something else but there are neds you can take for a bad attack and that will help with the d* and the pain. around here they are called buscopan and are available at the pharmacy without a prescription but you have to ask for them. actually i went onto some stomach bacteria for other reasons but found it is helping me too. for the the buscopan only helps with some of my symptoms but i am going through testing to see if i might have more things going on. the burning however could also be from something you ate the night before. anything greasy, deep friend, junky, spicy or...for me anyways...raw spinach can cause that feeling. i get it often, but any food can be a trigger food, so watch for patterns.

  12. #12
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    United States


    swiftette - I know what you mean about the dairy! My IBS has been pretty good lately, so last night I had cheese, ice cream and cottage cheese. BAD IDEA!!! It hit me hard today right before I was supposed to go bowling with work. I always do that! I really need to learn moderation! I always asume that if I am ok after a little, I will be fine after a lot. Wrong!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Hello y'all! Thanks for the support. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]Whew...glad to hear the mucous is a normal part of IBS. I have read that too, but I just needed to hear it from others who have experienced it. I was diagnosed with IBS back in 1992 and have had sporadic, recurring episodes over the years.

    I have IBS-C AND IBS-D, and boy does it suck! I have gone over a week without going poo before, and I get bloated and severe gas pains until I add something to my diet that may help things along. With my IBS-D, I start getting mild gradual cramping in my intestines, that eventually get worse and worse to where it feels like the transition phase of labor!!! That is when I start to hear nasty gurgling in my gut, and sometimes I will sit on the toilet, and nothing happens. Then I leave the bathroom, and the cramping starts up again. It is horrible. Finally, after a couple of "false alarms" on the toilet...it just all comes out. The cramping gets extruciating, and my bung hole hurts super bad! (LOL, sorry) Sometimes I keep going every hour or so, but sometimes it happens only one time. It is strange how it changes each time.

    I have learned that stress and hormones are my biggest culprit. You see, the whole time (I am talking years) I was on anti-depressants, I had no bouts of IBS-D. That is because my chemical messengers from the meds weren't so "active". (mind & body connection) I read that somewhere...and I believe it. That may not be the case for everyone, but it was/is for me. Anti-depressants stopped my IBS-D altogether! No cramping, nothing. Now that I have been off of Paxil for a few months, IBS is slowly returning with avengeance! Before I had ever taken anti-depressants, I had those bouts of severe IBS-D atleast twice a month. (during times of PMS, and ovulation) It all makes sense to me....my hormones make me moody, which in turn, make me stressed, and the stress leads to IBS-D. The SSRI's took all that away, which made my IBS-D completely disappear! Hmmm, I may just have to start taking anti-depressants again....*sigh* ......Gosh, always seems like somethin' huh??? [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    massachussetts United States


    My gosh Charlotte, that sounds like me! The worst part is sometimes it will stike while I'm out with the hubby and kids and "ooppps,mom's gotta stop all the fun and ffind a bathroom"! I think that is why I am slightly agoraphobic now. Before I went to Florida last year, I VERY seriously watchedwhatI ate-even whileI wasthere andI never feltbetter!I only neededto take gaviscononvewhile I was there. If onlyI couldeatthatway now. My mom( also IBS sufferer)thinks all the walking helped too.And yes Sillgirl, anything with the word cream-uuggh!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    I'm not sure if I have IBS or not. But I do have bouts of loose to hard stool when I eat too much of a vegetable or chocolate. I always see mucus when this occurs.

    By the way I am new here and also suffer with emet most of my life. Medication is helping but I still hope there's a cure somewhere. It doesn't rule my life as much as it use to. I have gone 44 years without tu I sure hope I go 44 more. Looking forward to getting to know you all. Larissa

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    sorry to join so late in the discussion! have been away for a week.

    my IBS/D has come back too - for the last six weeks or so its been really bad and i can literally turn it on just by getting stressed about being sick. and it all ties in with coming off of effexor (my anti-deps) -

    Charlotte - was coming off ur meds def the reason? do you think this could lead to my ibs return? oh its such a mess - coz when i was on the meds - i felt great, had no ibs and ate normally - and now i panic daily again, have ibs and generally feel pants....but i dont wanna go back on the pills...

    ems x

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by ejb199
    sorry to join so late in the discussion! have been away for a week.

    my IBS/D has come back too - for the last six weeks or so its been really bad and i can literally turn it on just by getting stressed about being sick. and it all ties in with coming off of effexor (my anti-deps) -

    Charlotte - was coming off ur meds def the reason? do you think this could lead to my ibs return? oh its such a mess - coz when i was on the meds - i felt great, had no ibs and ate normally - and now i panic daily again, have ibs and generally feel pants....but i dont wanna go back on the pills...

    ems x

    I know for a fact that coming off my meds was the reason my IBS-D returned! I am 110% sure! I hate being on the meds too, but I guess you just gotta weigh out the benefits. I am going to see how frequent my IBS-D acts up for the next month or 2, and if Immodium cannot control it, I will definately be getting back on some sort of anti-depressant/anti-anxiety drug. I figure heck...I had no sex drive on the meds, but I still don't have one, so what is the difference!! LOLOL!!

    Good luck with what you decide, and keep me posted; and yes, being off your meds means no more chemical blockers in your brain, which means stress, anxiety, and depression may return, which brings IBS too! God I hate IBS!!!! [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  18. #18
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    United Kingdom


    Heya, thanks Charlotte for your reply - yes i think your right - i really think that coming off the meds has just led me back to anxiety and ibs....

    but i was on them for three years and i just dont wann be on meds anymore - i just wanna be NORMAL. i just wanna live one day of my pathetic life without thinking abt being sick....

    ems x

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    okay, I dont understand why no one is asking me about calcium. it seriously changed my IBS life.

    so.... if anyone wants to know more about CALCIUM for IBS D please let me know... its a shame to let the possiblilty that you guys could live a normal life pass you by. ( its caltrate by the way)

    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Hey...I wanna know about the calcium!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Charlotte
    Spring is here!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Babydoll - yes tell me too! i read it on a forum a few weeks ago - but isnt it a certain type of calcium -there are two diff types and the one i found in the shops was the one that wont help...is this right? where can u get the one that will help?

    ems x

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Oh yeah, I agree about the calcium...it does work wonders for IBS/D....I have started the Viactiv...in the purple box...it tastes just like a piece of chocolate...which is wonderful...and I have to be careful with it... b/c it can get me constipated sometimes...but I take 2 a day...that's the amount for my age...it also has vitamin K and D in it...which are good for you. Kate

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    well, I just deleted my own post, smart eh?

    so rather than typing it all up again, Im going to post some info I found on calcium from an IBS message board. I hope this helps you guys!!!

    this is from LNAPE:

    You are right to think it feels like acid because bile the digestive fluid is just that. You may be having some excess bile passing through. You may want to try calcium carbonate to help with this.

    This is what has helped me for more than 4 years with almost daily attacks of
    urgent DIARRHEA. Calcium is known to be constipating so if you are that IBS
    type do not take it. Here is the what and how to take the calcium
    information if you suffer from DIARRHEA

    Calcium is an OTC supplement we all do not usually get enough of. No Rx
    needed to purchase this.

    When you take calcium about 40% of the dose gets to the bones the rest is
    eliminated in our waste. The calcium goes to the intestines and soaks up
    excess fluids and binds them together and they are gotten rid of in our

    This is a process that can be continued by taking the calcium carbonate on a
    regular basis thus giving a more formed BM.

    There is calcium carbonate which helps us with DIARRHEA and there is calcium
    citrate which is more easily absorbed by the body and gets to the bones.

    A lot of the calcium supplements contain a 2 to 1 ratio of calcium to
    magnesium. Magnesium is not helpful for us with DIARRHEA only causing more in
    most cases. So do not purchase this combination. It will only make things

    The dose to take is different for everyone. I must take 3 a day one at each
    meal and it does not make a difference if I take it before during or after
    just take it regularly.

    The most success has come for using any formula of calcium supplement that is
    like Calcium Carbonate 600 mg with Vitamin D and Minerals.

    I hope this will help anyone wishing to try it and I am always here to answer
    any questions for you. I have a lot of feed back form many users.

    There are other things to consider. If you take any other meds check the side
    effects and also check with the pharmacist to see it taking calcium will
    interfere with you other medications and how you might take them.

    The only side effect is at the beginning of taking the calcium you may have
    some gas or indigestion but this usually goes away soon after taking a
    regular dose for a few days as your body adjusts to the added calcium.

    Starting with 1/2 tablet doses with each meal will lessen this problem and it
    may be enough to control the DIARRHEA attacks without making you constipated.
    Constipation can be a problem so be careful not to take too much.

    I had my gall bladder removed in 1976 and from that time on I had suffered
    urgent attacks of DIARRHEA. Went through a lot of test but nothing else
    could be found.

    I took many of the meds for bowel spasms and cramps over the years but
    nothing ever seemed to help. I started to take a calcium supplement to help
    prevent bone loss in later years and from the first day I felt relief. I was
    pretty much a prisoner to the bathroom or had to go without eating to be able
    to leave the house.

    I must take 1 tablet with each meal and the DIARRHEA does not come back if I
    miss taking it I get DIARRHEA.

    The way it works is the calcium carbonate it a binder and when you take it
    only about 40% of the calcium gets to the bones and the rest is gotten rid of
    in our waste. During the process it gets to the intestines and soaks up
    excess bile and water and helps give a more solid BM. Now that you have no
    gall bladder the bile fluid goes directly into the intestines and causes
    irritation and DIARRHEA. The calcium carbonate soaks this up and no more
    DIARRHEA. It works great for a lot of us and you just have to take the
    calcium regularly and do not miss.

    I started with Calcium carbonate 600 mg with Vitamin D and
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh



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