Ok, here it is....I have to go with my co workers to my bosses house this friday night...for a cook out...no spouses...just us....our boss is male.......and we are all female...but anyway...there will be drinking going on....i don't drink at all for obvious reasons.....none of them know about my emet......and i could not tell them...they would think i am crazy....so now 2 of them are wanting me to be the designated driver!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness....i don't know what to do....i can't say no, b/c those two live so close to me....and they know i don't drink....so i am scared....in a way....i don't think they will get too drunk...but you never know.....one of them had that weight loss surgery 2 yrs ago...so her stomach is way smaller and can't handle alcohol very well...i just don't know what to do here....i don't have alot of choice really in the matter....how would you handle this and what would you do to cope?????? Kate