holy cow, I am not sure how to react, I think I am numb. DH ate pizza tonight, 2 different kinds, he said right after that they did not agree with him, but still I was scared. None the less he V*** all over the place in my sons bathroom. YUCK!! I am now downstiars with my son, but wide awake, and my tummy is upset to the point were I have D now..Silghtly graphic part here, I cant seem to get that darn stench out of my nose.. I told him to please use my sons restroom, its been our storage area, no one uses it, so I would not hear or see him..BAD MOVE, he missed the toilet, got it on the rug, and its a mess.. I was calm, but feel like Crap now.. He feels better, just draned and his stomach is empty he said.. He is sipping sprit now and is back in our room up stiars. I am trying to keep an open mind that its not a SV because he felt ill after he ate, but did not V till almost 1 Am ... I am still scared... I just needed to vent... I am not sure what to take, I took a Reglan when I got home. I waited to long to eat and took one, so I could eat something. Now I am a Wreck and not sure what can be taken after that???