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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Ok so I have already explained my Hubbys Bad night with Pizza Friday/Saturday early AM.. But it is runnung through my mind like crazy, I feel like my only safe place,(my home) is now not really safe.. Its not that I dont feel safe, lets see how to explain it.. I HATE that now when I am up stairs its like not Matter how clean that spot is, my mind still sees it.. I am now always feeling ill, and to boot, Im driving my husband insane, with the annoying drilling.. ARE U OK??? DO U FEEL SICK STILL, HOWS YOUR TUMMY? AGGGG can I be more of a Drill Sargent or what. CAnt I just say ok, so it was Gross, and its over with.. I spend the whole day telling myself this, and then just when I am all sure I have convienced myself of this, I get home and TURN into FREAK OUT MODE!!! This whole Phobia really is the worst, I can not believe how controling it can be.. I have been doing great, preparing myself forthe day my son gets sick... I guess I put sooo much into my mind in preparation for this to happen to my son that I forgot that Husband can get sick to... You guys are such a help thank you for listening to my VENTING Christy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Christy you can vent all you want girl! It is a frustrating phobia, pain in the ass. Just try to relax a bit. The spot won't come out? How about putting something over it? Like a plant stand or something else? Our thinking patterns are so much a like. There is a spot in Tylers room on his carpet, I have tried and tried to get that sucker off so I moved his bed and it covers it. When I go in his room the thought doesn't enter my mind. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    THANK YOU I am going see what I do, I kind of blame myself for joking with him to go that bathroom, we have a nickaname forthatbathroom, its all DUCKS so I call it the Duck bathroom, and if I would have been normal, I would have not cared about the Noise the smell, anything.. He would have made it just fine.. Instead he goes to that bathroom for me, and then look what happens. HE MAKES A MESS !!!! and I would love to cover it up, but its right in front of the door. I need to get a carpet cleaner and shampoo it and u know whats even more crazy, I will not let my son walk over it barefoot, is that insane or what.. I know it was not a SV, but I think the odor(YES GROSS I KNOW) will get on his feet and then on to the inside of his shoes.. AM I CRAZY>... Sometimes I wish some of you lived closer, its much more comforting that way.. Oh wellI will keep all of u updated as to my day.. SO Far chewing on gum, Nuased and trying to entertain my mind BE back later.. Christy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    massachussetts United States


    Christy, I am the same way!! It takes me months to get that "it's contaminated feeling" out of me once an area has been v*ed on. I had my rugs cleaned proffessionally a couple weeks after mykids were sick because as much as I cleaned a certain part of my carpet, I could'nt walk on it or even look at it without feeling like germs were lurking there.
    \"Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans\"-John Lennon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    That's a good idea, perhaps you could get it professionally clean. It's doesn't cost much considering you're not asking for your whole home to be washed, but I'm sure if you have a local carpet cleaner establishment they could just nick over there and take care of that stain.

    I know thisphobia isn't normal, but you said normal people aren't afraid of the smell or the noise. That's not necessarily true. My father and mother aren't Emetophobes, but when I got sick in the past they didn't enjoy cleaning it and the noise is like nails down a chalkboard. I don't think vomit is pleasant for anyone, Emetophobic or not. The difference between us is just we're more narrowed in and clued in on the situation. I don't consider it a bad thing. My obsession with being clean that's granted from this phobia has kept me away from nasty flu's, stomach-virus or not.

    Good luck! ^_^



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