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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Coventry, UK

    Cool perspective on 'outbreaks'

    I like many on here have panicked at the slightest mention of a 'noro outbreak' - it brings on the *n, sweating, insonmia and many unpleasant thoughts.

    I've been reading a bit on the web today as I could feel my anxiety rising a little and thought I would check for any 'outbreaks' in the area.....I'm off on a train to London on Saturday and was starting to worry somewhat about going and possibly cancelling....something that is really stupid as I have insisted that this year the 'fear' will not get the better of me!

    Anyway I was reading about all the 'outbreaks' and they are mainly in hospitals, therefore its very unlikely to be widespread in your community even if your town has been hit by such 'outbreak'.

    I guess when I read there was an outbreak I was thinking it was some kind of plaque spreading through the city....not so....so I guess my point is we all need to calm down and look at things logically.

    There have been increased amounts of posts on here that have quite frankly had me thinking of leaving for a while, but I do think we are all just getting our 'knickers in a twist' over something that has been incredibly hyped up by the media.....especially here in the UK.

    So I am going to london on saturday and will have a bloofy good time.....

    please people this is a new year....breathe deep and live your lives

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Default Re: perspective on 'outbreaks'

    I agree. We can get ourselves all worked up when it seems that everyone we know and all around us is getting it. I keep telling myself that it has been years since I've had it and it was bad those years that i didn't catch it so that it's not inevitable even though we think it is.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Norfolk, UK

    Default Re: perspective on 'outbreaks'

    Great post. Have an excellent time in London.
    I've been a bit of a hermit these last few weeks but I've invited an old school friend for lunch at a cafe in town on Saturday. I haven't seen her for a year because of her job and my illness and while part of me is anxious, I'm looking forward to it. This year I am not going to let my phobia and OCD from stopping me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Midwest USA

    Default Re: perspective on 'outbreaks'

    Have a bloody good time in London



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