Ugh... I woke up super excited that it was Friday and that the weekend was on it's way. Then... I got a text from a co-worker saying that they had been hit with the stomach flu and that because of me they would spare everyone the details but that it sucked and it sucked bad. My weekend is ruined. I work with only 9 people. Up until yesterday only 2 out of the 9 people have had the stomach flu and it's been over a week since the last person had it so I thought our office was safe. Now our office in the next door building...they have dozens of people out with the stomach flu. I avoid going over there at all costs. Anyway, now i feel doomed. I feel like because she sits across from me and she's in this room with 9 of us that we are all going to end up with it. The 2 girls that had it came back right away .. one just only hours after she stopped puking and that was 2 weeks ago right after christmas and we all stayed well. The other girl had it on a Thursday and thankfully didn't come back until Monday but now it's Friday and someone else has been struck down by it. I know she goes tanning and to the gym and could have caught it there instead of here at work but she lives alone and I'd think she'd be safer than all of us that live with a spouse or have kids or whatever. I'm a nervous wreck and feel like i'm doomed and my weekend is ruined now because I'll be worried about it all flippin weekend I'm panicking to say the least and feel like the weekend that i was anticipating to be so good is now going to be stressful and full of worry. The worst part is I got the text and I said to my husband that now my weekend is ruined and i was in tears. He got mad and said yeah and your stupid phobia is ruining my life too and slammed my car door and went to his car and left. I hate this phobia it is ruining lives... not only mine but my families too but I don't want to throw up and that over rules everything. I can't help but worry. Ugh. Okay Rant over.