Hi, I am new to this forum. I am a 41 year old male from the UK & like many of you have been suffering with this vicious phobia since I was 3 years old. As many of you are, I have been panicking about this dreaded norovirus for the past few weeks since I first read it on the Sky News website. Last night I found an intresting articale on a website that I thought I should share with you as since reading through it I have found that it has just helped me a little bit to be a little more rational about this norovirus. It will not stop us from carrying out all the usual precutions like frequent hand washing & hand sanitizers but I found I have not been constantly thinking about it ever waking hour. Because I am new to this forum I am not allowed to post links but if you type into Google "emetophobia & norovirus" it should be at the top of the page. The website is called emetophobia help.

Also a couple of years ago my wife had labyrinthitis which makes you feel nauseus, she was prescribed "Buccastem" by the doctor which is medication to stop the feeling of nausea usely used by sufferers of migraines. These tablets are available over the counter without perscription although only in boxes of 6 tablets but they have been a god send. All my family keep these tablets beside our beds & I keep a couple with me all the time & they have prevented all of us from vomiting on many occasions. You put one tablet between your lip & your gum & it slowly disolves. They do take about 20 minutes to work but once they start working they are worth their weight in gold. My wife did even take one once when she had norovirus & it stopped her from vomiting any more. If anybody goes to buy these tablets they don't seem to sell them in every chemist but just ask for Buccastem for migraines & they may ask if it is for youself & just say yes you have used them before. I say this because I went one time & although my daughter does have them for migraines I said it was for her & when they asked how old she was as she was under 16 at the time they would not sell them for under 16's.

Now I just can't wait for the vaccine to become available.

I hope this information will be of some help to you, we will all get through this difficult period.
