Because I've been on holidays since november and remain on holidays until the end of February, I've found myself going stir crazy. I'm not just sitting at home and doing nothing, but some days I do just stay inside and let anxiety build. For example today I was nervous before breakfast, managed to eat a fairly big meal, then I had to calm myself down mid morning and tried to eat some lunch, had to calm myself down again, went for a bike ride and now I'm almost giving up on trying to calm down and deep breathe and stop focusing on the thoughts. I'm seriously only keeping together, I feel like I'm hanging by a thread. Without going to uni everyday and having no assessments to do, I feel like I have all this free time to be anxious and to monitor myself etc. I tried to use this time wisely and take some steps to help myself but sometimes all I want to do is just watch TV all day... sounds very depressing. Anyone else like this at the moment? It's like very mild bi-polar... one minute I'm happy and the next I think the world is ending.