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Thread: Doctor Visit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Question Doctor Visit

    So today I woke up with a dull pain in my upper left abdomen area (that I have had before) which of course set me off into an anxiety attack. "Oh my gosh I'm going to get sick" were the exact words that kept repeating in my head. I went to our local walk-in clinic and saw an extremely nice doctor (who actually has an ex gf that is an emet and also was more of a psychologist than my actual psychologist! ). He felt my stomach/ab/lower ab area and immediately I felt a lot of pressure. He said that I am "backed up" and need to clean my system out.

    Because I'm an emet, my diet is extremely limited. I often eat A LOT of carbs (breads, rice, pretzels, etc.) because I feel as if they are the safest food out there. I believe me eating so many carbs have caused my system to back up.

    Have any of you had this issue before? If so, what'd you do to help it?

    He gave me suggestions, but honestly I'm scared that once I start cleaning out my system (resulting in d* I'm assuming) I'll freak out thinking I have a virus and am going to get sick.

    Ugh-- the joys of our phobia

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Doctor Visit

    Quote Originally Posted by vsmith14 View Post
    Have any of you had this issue before? If so, what'd you do to help it?
    Try drinking A LOT of water, and maybe some fruit juice (apple or grape) .. that usually helps my constipation. Some tea or coffee as caffeine stimulates the intestines. You'll need to alter your overall diet to include more fiber though - fruits and veggies are totally safe as long as you wash them! And if you cook them too, they're even safer. Feel free to avoid meat if that makes you feel safe (I do it) but you NEED to eat fruits, veggies, and more high fiber carbs so you don't have this problem again.

    A healthy high fiber diet makes for a much happier stomach, and a lot less worrying!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Doctor Visit

    I've heard multiple people say coffee makes them poo...maybe you could try that, lol. or maybe get an over the counter medicine like Dulcolax or something..I don't know too much about constipation but I'm sure it's unpleasant

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Doctor Visit

    Miralax...it takes a while to work but is gentle and won't cause any unpleasant side effects. I take it in juice, and have been for a long time, like years. It's a osmotic, which helps bring water into the intestines, so it's safer to use. Good luck...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Doctor Visit

    Dealing with SEVERE constipation as we speak. Just took a Fleet Enema, which was a huge mistake. All I got was a hot flash, nausea and dizziness with very little "results". I'm scheduled to see the gyno in July for suspected endometriosis. In the meantime I get to suffer :\

    Stomach viruses DO cause diarrhea, but so do laxatives, enemas, suppositories and even some fiber supplements. Just remind yourself that you took something to clean yourself out and that stomach viruses are less common in the summer. Use a low dose of whatever you choose and stay near a toilet. It might be uncomfortable for a moment, but the feeling will pass.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Doctor Visit

    Okay. So I'm emet and have been for years. In 2012 I had a colonoscopy and we all know what has to happen before one of those. It's honestly not that bad. If you KNOW that you are having d* because of medication (mag citrate or whatever) then it is easier to deal with. And to be honest I didn't even feel nauseous at all until the next morning and only because I was dehydrated. Trust me you will feel a lot better once you clean out your system. Just a word of advice though - mag citrate can cause an upset stomach. I would recommend only drinking half the bottle to start with. If it doesn't help within 8 hours then drink the other half, but putting all that crap in your stomach at once can obviously make you a little queasy. Good luck and you know we are all here to help talk you through it if you need support!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Doctor Visit

    You should get some fruit in your diet. Learn how to clean them right. Applesauce will help and is very safe. Digests quickly. Bananas are good too. You can get fresh fruit clean it, then boil it for a minute or two. Peel it then if you like. Don't do berries. If you only eat carbs your immune system gets run down and you catch more. Oatmeal, brown rice with steamed vegetables.vegetables digest well and keep you regular and healthy. Oh yeah lots of garlic. I've read studies that show sv are killed by garlic in your system. Raw is best. Feel better soon.



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