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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Unhappy Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?

    I am currently 22 & battling emetophobia eversince I was 6 years old. A girl next to me got sick & eversince then I've been terrified of nausea & getting sick. I swear I remember every single incident of others & myself after that day. I did go through a "party" stage during high school & wouldn't care much of V* when I was drunk until I got sick myself one night & relived my nightmare. Never drank again after that night. I've never been THIS bad that's why I decided to join forums where people might understand me.

    I'm starting to get anxiety to go anywhere and everywhere including stores. I'm afraid I'm going to get nauseous & dizzy & have to rush back to the car or not make it anywhere in time. I built a phobia of airplanes because of extreme turbulance & fear of being sick while going to a different country. I'm always needing to pop antiemetics such as phenergan & I'm tired of feeling this way. I wake up feeling uneasy everyday & I start to fear that it will escalate throughout the day. Everything I feel such as stomach pain, nausea, headaches, slight dizziness, anything triggers my fear & anxiety. I easily get motion sickness & have vertigo as well. Even when I feel a slight change in my ears I start to freak out. I know my anxiety of feeling sick makes it all worse when I get motion sickness or dizzy. This all is worse when it's hot outside & I live in Las Vegas so it's hard. I notice I get sick faster & can't handle heat. I wear a "sea accupressure band" that everyone always questions me about. It's embarassing. I also cannot work as much anymore due to the stress I feel because of all this.

    It's been my dream to become a physician assistant eversince high school. I'm currently doing my undergrad & I had to drop my science courses last semester because I was hospitalized for some kind of infection. After being hospitalized, my fear & anxiety in EVERYTHING elevated & my life feels like complete HELL. I never expected my life to turn into this & my family doesn't understand how debilitating this really is. "It's all in your head just get over it or why are you always sick?!" is all I hear. They think it's THAT simple. I really really wish it was as easy as waking up as a different person or turning off part of my brain.

    I really want a career to help others & I really wanted to become a PA. I feel like I'm at a stand still & no one understands. I've been given Valium but it doesn't quite help much & makes me more dizzy which turns to nervousness instead of relaxation. At this point my future seems dim. How can I ever finish school if I feel like this & I'm also afraid of seeing others be sick, how can I ever have children, live a normal life, etc? For every "fun" event that comes up, even something as simple as a family dinner outting, turns into a week long anxiety fest of "what if I feel sick, I'll ruin everyone's day or everyone will see me like this" & complete anxiety when the day comes. I want to wake up one day & feel "normal" feel like "TODAY IS GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!" I'm 22 for God's sake, I wish I can have fun like everyone else.

    I'm desperate....Do any of you guys know what I'm going through and have any of you resorted to professional help? If so, was it successful? Have any of you been successful in completing medical school or any kind of medical career with this phobia? This is taking over my life!!!!!! >_< I really hope I get any replies whatsoever.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Honolulu, Hawaii

    Default Re: Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?

    I know how it feels because I deal with this problem too. My emetophobia prevents me from going to sleep. I starve myself when I'm sick, so I can confirm myself that I won't V*. What I do is drink Rooibos Red Tea, it helps me to relax, the tea is naturally caffeine free.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?

    He Bella!

    I'm currently a rising second year medical student. Being a physician has been my dream my ENTIRE life. But at the same time, I remember being an emetophobic for as long as I could remember. So far, med school has been just fine. We even had a lecture on v* (which was actually pretty interesting!). As much as I don't like v* I would NEVER let it get in the way of me becoming a doctor. So far I've just been hoping that I somehow get desensitized to it throughout my training. I am pretty sure I'll get exposed to it soon (especially during third year when we are in the hospital doing rotations. Not looking forward to the one in pediatrics, however *shudder*).

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't let this stop you from pursuing your dream. I'm not.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?

    I understand. I'm also going to college for med. Well, a holistic masters degree. I don't really know any comforting words, but don't give up! We only have one life and I'll be damned if I let emetophobia run it! I always find gum a wonderful comfort. Such a small thing, but it's helped me through so much! Don't give up! You can do it! *Hugs*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?

    Thanks so much to everyone who replied! I'm trying my hardest to get through this & not let it alter my future. It's tough & I've been having quite a bit of anxiety lately with new symptoms that I'm feeling. I hope we all get through this & are able to say we got through our phobia & are able to help others.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?

    Man, I feel your pain! Everyone I know says I should've been a doctor but it's impossible with this phobia. I know my limits, though it still sucks to have such stupid things holding me back! (I'll also remain child-free in large part due to this phobia). It really can ruin lives.

    The good thing is that you're young and determined. You've come here to ask for help which is a huge step. Keep seeking answers, whether it's with a mental health professional, support group or whatever. If Valium isn't working for you, talk to your doctor about changing the dose or trying a different medication. Read up on relaxation techniques and other self-help methods in your spare time. You're already interested in medical topics, so this shouldn't be too painful .

    I wish I could say I've had success overcoming this fear, but that's not the case. Plenty of others have though. You may never be "cured", but you can learn to control it like a chronic condition so it doesn't stop you from living.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Anxiety, Med school, & Emetophobia?!?

    @aspiegrrrl It sucks doesn't it?! I've always wanted kids so I'm trying to hopefully get "better" & try to find ways to live with this. Lately I've been pretty bad & have new symptoms of anxiety (tight chest & throat, trouble breathing). Something as simple as going out to eat is giving me anxiety & making me feel sick. I'm in the process of looking for a good Psychiatrist. I am trying not to rely on medication but I don't want myself to fall so deep before I give in to taking it regularly. I'm thinking of a different field such as Occupational Therapy now since I won't have to be infront of V* as much as a PA would. Sometimes I get down & wonder why me but then I know there are others who have it worse than me. I'm just getting tired of people telling me "it's all in your head, get over it!" Like okay, I know that...& I WISH/PRAY it was that easy!!! What career did you end up with & do you enjoy it? Thanks for your reply. Good luck to you as well!



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