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Thread: Zofran

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Northwest Ohio

    Default Zofran

    If it is supposed to be good for N, why does the dissolving pill taste so nasty? I had swallow pills when I was pregnant because I was on Perocet and it made me N. They were great, no complaints. Recently got some from my doctor because I was going on vacation and nervous about the car ride. Trip was great, didn't need it. Not feeling well tonight so I tried one and it could have made me feel more sick from the taste. I don't think it is a SV, more likely my IBS acting up because I haven't been regular and eating too much junk food.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Zofran

    Iv`e been reading a lot of posts on facebook from people who have taken Zofran, & it hasn`t worked. I don`t think I`d bother to use it if I was ill.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Zofran

    My doctor gave it to me and said they prescribe it to people in hospital who r really ill and it's really effective.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Zofran

    They gave it to me when I was in the hospital with an sv. I v*d once before taking it and didn't after taking it.
    M I D N I G H T



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