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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Can you vomit without feeling nauseated?

    Okay so I have a toothache. it's not strong, but it is enough for me to take a mouth numbing agent called orajel for it. It really didn't work at all. It did make my saliva VERY viscous (sticky and thick) and it kept almost making me gag, and still is.

    I didn't vomit, but I have had several instances in which my throat acted like the final seconds before vomiting - the panic to keep swallowing. My stomach feels weird, but I'm not nauseated at all. I garguled an ounce of water to clear my throat, and that worked for a few, but when i reapplied the Orajel, it made my mouth sticky again. Water isn't clearing my throat anymore. I really thought I was gonna vomit even thought I wasn't nauseated.

    It sucks because my tooth is starting to hurt more and more. The pain is spreading to my ear, half of my face and under my jawbone. I have some Ibuprofen 200mg tabs, but after my near miss vomiting situation, I can't risk it upsetting my stomach forreal. I was supposed to hang out with my friends, something I RARELY do, but then my tooth acted up. I can't enjoy life. This is why I haven't shelved my suicide plans.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Can you vomit without feeling nauseated?

    For now, take the ibprofen and go out with your friends. Distraction should help with the pain. Stop the oralgel and see if that helps. it could be a reaction to the Oralgel. tomorrow make an appointment with your dentist to get this dental problem taken care of. The only time I have v*ed without nausea, I was pregnant and I don't think you are. It's probably just the oralgel. I end up numbing most of my mouth when I use that stuff. You could have numbed your throat which is making you feel weird.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Can you vomit without feeling nauseated?

    I really want to go out, but I already canceled the plans. My dentist wants deep-cleaning? It costs 150$ for each side over the time of 2 weeks. I want better teeth. My teeth aren't in bad shape visually, but they are weak with "hidden cavities." A carrot got jammed into my tooth. I don't even eat carrots and veggies, but I'd thought I'd try and poof, this happens. I'm not living to live, I'm just waiting to die.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: Can you vomit without feeling nauseated?

    This sucks. My sleep schedule was just fixed last week and here I am still awake because my stomach is a mess. It isn't anxiety either. My stomach feels like it isn't digesting. I waited 40 minutes and took a sip of particularly cold water and I didn't feel it at all in my stomach. I ate a while ago so my stomach def isn't digesting. I made myself belch, but they felt... clogged? I'm sorry, always complaining. Good thing is I'm a little hungry so it couldn't be that very bad. Oh I know what it feels like! I vomited twice this year and after I did so from each episode, my stomach felt like this! Wait, that's not anything to be happy to remember. I'll just take another Promethazine to be sure. Here is to hoping my stomach digests! Until I feel a cold liquid caress the lining of my stomach, I can't allow myself to sleep.

    Oh but my toothache is gone thankfully - there is something for me to take solace in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Can you vomit without feeling nauseated?

    Orajel , I hate! Just b/c it always makes my entire mouth/throat feel numb, even when I use only a tiny bit. Im sure it wont cause you to throw up though. I give it to my kids and they are always just fine
    For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; But of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2Timothy. 1:7)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States

    Default Re: Can you vomit without feeling nauseated?

    Yes, it's possible to vomit without nausea or even any warning at all. It's called precipitate vomiting. Although it sounds terribly traumatic for an emet, some people who have it say it wasn't bad at all. Of course, emetonormal people believe that the nausea is worse than the vomiting. Doug
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