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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Thumbs down Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    I haven't been here in a while because honestly my emet has been a lot better since we had a sv* back in September. At the end of September last year my oldest son (the one that is sick today) v'd in the middle of the night on a Thursday night/Friday morning. He just did the one time and he was completely fine. I chalked it up to an upset stomach and kept my guard up but wasn't worried. It wasn't until that following Wednesday morning (once I had completely calmed down from the panic from my oldest son) that my youngest, 4 at the time, woke up and came and got in my bed around 6:30 am, he complained he felt sick and I rushed him to he bathroom where he v'd a few times. That went on for several hours about every 30 minutes or so. By lunctime he was perfectly fine and even ate some. That night he v'd again in his bed and then it was over. That next Friday, my hubby and I both woke up with it. Hubby v'd a few times but didn't have d* and I had d* and only v'd once. Honestly, the whole ordeal wasn't that bad and actually have been pretty calm about catching a sv* ever since. Well that all changed this morning when I woke up about 7:45 this morning and hear my 7 year old (my oldest) making a strange noise. I yelled "Andrew are you ok?" he replied with "no, I'm v*ing." I shot up out of bed and found him hunched over the toilet. I kept my cool and helped him out and after got him comfortable on the couch. He said he felt better so I let him have a piece of toast and some water. Bad idea! About 15 minutes later guess where that ended up? Right on my couch and living room rug, down the hallway into the bathroom. He had to take a shower while I cleaned it all up. I rolled up the rug and thinking about throwing it out. AHHH!!! He just got sick again about 20 minutes ago but this time made it in the trash can and it wasn't much. I'm so freaked out and am washing my hands like crazy and keeping my 5 year old away from him but I know it's not going to be enough. Last time I was SO careful and we all ended up with it anyway and even passed it on to my friends toddler who I babysitt during the week.

    So anyway, my question is, is this a sv* again? Could it be the same strain we just had in September? The Sydney II strain I keep hearing about? I noticed, not to be gross and graphic, when he is v*ing it's mostly water and some pickles he ate yesterday afternoon? Could the pickles be causing? I would've though he would've Ved up the toast he just ate but nope. Sorry I know gross!

    I guess time will tell right? UGGGGH!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    New York

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    It could be a bug, but there are sooo many other reasons that he could be getting sick from. Does he have anyother symptoms?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    it does sound like a bug. poor little guy my rec is to try to give him a shot glass (2 oz) of gatorade or vitamin water every 15 minutes. if he can keep that down for a while, give him a cracker or a spoon of apple sauce. hopefully it is a fast moving bug and he will be better in 12 - 24 hours. poor kid

    the best you can do is wash everything, spray lysol like crazy and try to contain him to one bathroom. do you trash toothbrushes? if he is v near them then the particles could be landing on them and infecting you guys that way. i would get new ones and keep them in the bedroom or kitchen cabinet with the door shut. also swap out towels for paper towels so you aren't using the same things. make sense?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    I was hoping it wouldn't be a bug since we just had it back in September. It's been since 7:45 this morning and it's now 11:45 so 4 hours so far not much improvement. He's had about 4 ving episodes so far and he's just miserable and sleepy. I feel so bad and also terrified! I told myself this morning, as much as I have and will continue to wash my hands like mad I'd rather just get it over with if I'm going to get it ya know? The waiting for it to happen is so scary! We have plans this Saturday to go to a friends graduation party, should I cancel you think? We are also having my youngest sons pre school graduation get together at our house a week from Saturday should I cancel that too?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    don't cancel plans. there is always a large chance that as adults you are immune to whatever he has. that being said, lysol the crap out of everything, use disposable paper things versus towels and try to contain him. I am sorry

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    I sure hope so! I'll keep the plans for now but I know I would appreciate it if someone was coming to my house for a party and they recently had been sick, to not come.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    very true but it is 5/6 days away and if everyone else stays healthy, it will be ok to go out. best you can do is contain him, lots of normal handwashing, make sure he showers and washes his hands and move those toothbrushes. it sounds stupid but it is logical.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Quote Originally Posted by mdgirl1977 View Post
    very true but it is 5/6 days away and if everyone else stays healthy, it will be ok to go out. best you can do is contain him, lots of normal handwashing, make sure he showers and washes his hands and move those toothbrushes. it sounds stupid but it is logical.
    Thanks, I will keep the plans for now. Hoping for the best!

    I emailed my husband to run by the store on his way home to get some new toothbrushes because they were sitting on the counter (the kids toothbrushes) when he was ving* so just to be safe.

    He fell asleep now and it's been about an hour since his last ving episode, I'm praying it's over!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    If we all just had noro back in September, could this be noro again or another type of virus?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    I am so sorry! Yes, you can get various strains of a virus or it could be the same one. Our immunity to a sv* only lasts about 4 months. YOU WILL BE OK!!!!!! No matter what, you'll be fine. My lodes (now 9) had 2 bugs last year. One in Nov. and then again in March. Nobody caught either. If you've sprayed the area with bleach or Lysol and washed his clothing as well as showered him you're totally safe! Make sure he scrubs his hands (help him if you have to) after going to the restroom. All is well!

  11. #11
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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    I am so sorry! Yes, you can get various strains of a virus or it could be the same one. Our immunity to a sv* only lasts about 4 months. YOU WILL BE OK!!!!!! No matter what, you'll be fine. My lodes (now 9) had 2 bugs last year. One in Nov. and then again in March. Nobody caught either. If you've sprayed the area with bleach or Lysol and washed his clothing as well as showered him you're totally safe! Make sure he scrubs his hands (help him if you have to) after going to the restroom. All is well!
    I think it's going to be hard to contain it, he v'd all over my couch and living room rug, I even accidentally stepped in it when I was cleaning the couch. I wiped off my foot with bleach on a paper towel but who knows. My youngest son went and used the bathroom my sick son was using this morning when I was in the other room. Great! I'm not having hope but either way, I'm not going to stress about it, at least try not to. I just hope if were all going to get it we can get it and have it gone before the weekend so I'm not stressing over the weekend if were going to get it or not.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    If you are going to get it you will certainly be done with it by the weekend. I hate the waiting as well, it really is miserable. How is your son feeling now? Were you able to Lysol the carpet and couch? No matter what everything will be ok!

  13. #13
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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Syrup View Post
    If you are going to get it you will certainly be done with it by the weekend. I hate the waiting as well, it really is miserable. How is your son feeling now? Were you able to Lysol the carpet and couch? No matter what everything will be ok!
    The waiting, it's getting to me! I lysoled around the house but I know that isn't enough. I cleaned my rug and couch but I know they are not "sanitized." He is feeling much better today, I kept him out of school anyway just to give him another day of rest. I know I'll be scared to go to bed tonight because tonight will be 36 hours since this all began. I'm just scared! We JUST went through this in September. I don't remember being as scared for some reason.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    September - May is quite a while, girl! 8 MONTHS!!! I know what you mean about the worrying. Remember that MOST families don't do nearly as much as we do to clean and sanitize and MOST of them don't catch the bugs that their kids get. My parents NEVER used Lysol or bleach and I only remember my mom catching 1 of my bugs. My dad never did. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS you will be ok!!!! You will!

  15. #15
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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Still, it's only 8 months, I'm use to going years between! Still in the waiting period. How long do I have to wait before I can consider myself safe? I have some plans this weekend.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    My dad never caught sv from us as kids, that I know of. My mom used to catch them only from my brother when he was small for some reason, but never from me.....kinda weird!

    The waiting IS the hardest part. I have said to my DH before that I wish my 3 girls would just get it at the same time, because then it would be 1 day from hell and it would be over...and I would only have to worry about myself getting it (I don't worry about my husband because he doesn't care if he v*'s, he has zero fear). When my middle daughter and I had a sv back in December, no one else caught it...and my DH was dealing with her as she was getting sick. He thoroughly bleached the bathroom afterwards. I didn't v* during that, but had d* for 24 hrs. He bleached the bathroom I was using as well the next day.

    I think sometimes it is just unavoidable. It is a sneaky virus. I have pulled out all the stops every time my girls have had an sv* and I have still caught it every time - I honestly have NO idea how. Maybe it's because stress lowers your immune system, as does not eating. I am always very stressed and I stop eating when it is in the house. Next time we get it, I'm going to take ACV once a day, keep eating and TRY not to stress and see if I can avoid it. Most people don't catch it from their kids though, I bet you will be ok. Adults are more resistant to it - especially since you've already had an sv* in the past year.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Well it's been 48 hours since my oldest son was sick and so far everyone is feeling ok. When can I let my guard down you think? Even though its been 48 hours since he began this whole thing (around 7:45 Monday morning and it's 8:15 Wednesday morning) doesn't mean it's been a true 48 hours. I could've "caught it" in the evening or yesterday or even this morning. Uhhhhh when can I NOT worry? I haven't slept well the last 2 nights. I keep sleeping on the couch with the TV on, for some reason that is comfort for me. Last night I probably got up 3 times to check on my youngest son and my husband to make sure they were sleeping soundly. Any little noise I heard I went into a panic.

    I was SO SURE my youngest son (5) would've woken up with it in the middle of the night last night. He puts his fingers in his mouth, A LOT and Monday he had them in his mouth and was around my oldest son during one of his v* episodes. So far he seems ok though. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though, last time we had the sv* (back in September) my oldest started it early Friday morning and it wasn't until the following Wednesday morning did my youngest get sick and then 2 days after that my husband and me.
    Last edited by Leslie735; 05-21-2014 at 07:14 AM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Dunedin, NZ

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Oh honey, I feel you! I find in our home that the 48 hour rule almost always applies (14 years of parenting 4 children). I have a 5 y/o who loves putting her fingers in her mouth too. She starts school on the 4th of June and I am terrified, keep crying thinking about it. I think you can let your guard down a bit now. Imagine if we had a way of knowing if anyone else would get it or not!
    Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

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  19. #19
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    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Mamafear View Post
    Oh honey, I feel you! I find in our home that the 48 hour rule almost always applies (14 years of parenting 4 children). I have a 5 y/o who loves putting her fingers in her mouth too. She starts school on the 4th of June and I am terrified, keep crying thinking about it. I think you can let your guard down a bit now. Imagine if we had a way of knowing if anyone else would get it or not!
    I hope so. It's now been 56 hours since it began. I still don't feel in the clear though. I don't think I will until it's been over a week. Like I said, last time this happened it took 5 days for my younger son to start with it. :/

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Found out earlier one of people my husband carpools with, his wife and son were both sick over the weekend with a sv* and he called in today. Really? uhhhhhh!!!!!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Maybe it wasn't a good idea for me to read all this I'm having really hard time with my phobia since last month and this is like vicious circle. It's never going to end. How will I ever be able to have kids? And I adore kids!! Adore! I just want this phobia to disappear!
    "Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn't change anything, it just messes with your mind and steals your happines."

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Quote Originally Posted by wanted View Post
    Maybe it wasn't a good idea for me to read all this I'm having really hard time with my phobia since last month and this is like vicious circle. It's never going to end. How will I ever be able to have kids? And I adore kids!! Adore! I just want this phobia to disappear!
    Awh, don't let your fear keep you from having kids. My fear didn't really kick off until I was pregnant with my 2nd but I don't regret having them. I don't plan on having any more (partly because of my fear/phobia) but I also babysitt 2 toddlers in my home and I do think about it all.the.time but I don't let it keep me from doing my job.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    It can be limited to one family member you just have to be really careful about bleaching and keeping your kid almost quarantined. Also see if you can keep your oldest son just to go to the bathroom to v* or d* in one bathroom, it limits the passing of germs. Also I would avoid being directly in the spray of where he is v* but other than that you should be fine.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    I just wanted to check on you Leslie735 and see how things were going? You still doing ok avoiding the bug?

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Oldest son has a SV* help!!! *warning triggers*

    Awh thanks for checking BKaifos15 It's been a week today and so far nobody has gotten sick. I still have no idea what caused my son to get sick like that. If it would've been "one and done" I would've assumed something didn't agree with him but it was very much "bug" like. 12 hours of on and off v*. I don't know.



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