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Thread: Sillygirl

  1. #1
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    Jan 2005
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    Just wondering how everything was going.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada


    Yes, update. I love pregnant ppl!! Did I ever tell you guys that my goal with the nursing I am taking, is to become a midwife?? I find all aspects of pregnancy and birth truely amazing and facinating. A miracle.

    Hope you all feel well, preggys!!!!

    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    I like labor and delivery too. I would love to do that. I am a RN by the way. It was all I could do to get through nursing school.

  4. #4
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    I'm still hanging in here. I have been so exhausted lately! I babysat my friend's boys (4 and almost 3) for about 5 hours today and it wore me out!

    I was getting kind of nervous for a while because my symptoms seemed to have been disappearing. But lately, I have been a lot more n* - probably because my eating habits are slipping (or more so that my non-eating habits are returning). I have to make sure I am eating constantly, hungry or not. When I do that I don't feel sick at all. But it is so hard - I never eat this much food and sometimes I just feel like I can't take another bite! My boobs are starting to hurt more again too - I never thought I would be happy to have that happen!

    On an emet note, my husband and I went to Quiznos tonight and I had my usual ham and swiss. Now I am feeling weird like there was something wrong with the meat or something. It tasted fine, but since they toast the subs you can never tell if they keptthe meatcold enough. Now I am scared it is going to give me food poisoning. I don't know why, I haven't thought about this kind of stuff for a while.

    I am anxiously awaiting my first appointment in two and a half weeks. I will feel a lot better knowing that everything is going okay. I think I am reading too much from other people that have had problems and it is making me worry and I know I shouldn't.

    How are you doing madisonsmom? Have you gone to the doctor yet?

  5. #5
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    I have been very nauseous. I cant stand the smell or thought of food. Absolutely nothing sounds good. I did eat some mashed potatoes tonight but I just cant eat! I am so darn thirsty too. I drink a lot and feel full all the time so me drinking makes me feel even fuller[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]. I was up off and on from 12 midnight until about 5am so nauseous. I just feel full constantly. I am VERY tired too!

    I havent been for my first ob/gyn appt yet. I go 12/5. I have had a blood pregnancy test done but cant wait to have my first appt.

  6. #6
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    I have always had a hard time drinking a lot of water, so it has been really hard for me lately. I get really thirsty when I am eating, but not really any other time of day, although I was at first. I have heard that drinking while you eat can make m/s worse, so I am kind of hesitant to do it, but that is the only time I really feel like I want to drink.

    I guess that is the best way to explain how I feel lately too - full. I think that's why I haven't been eating as much and have been more n*.

    I wish my doctor would have at least done a confirmation test. That's why I took a total of 8 tests to convince myself I really am preggo [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]. I want to do more just to make sure it is still sticking, you know? I am trying to sit tight until my appointment. Hopefully the time will go by quick with Thanksgiving and stuff!

  7. #7
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    Do you have a primary doctor. You can call him and ask for a blood pregnancy test (to make you feel better).

    I probably wont feel better until I have my ultrasound and see the heartbeat! OH and feeling the baby move. That is the best feeling.

    I have taken probably 10 tests all togethor. When I took the last one the positive line was darker than the control line so I felt better.

    You would think missing your period would be enough to make you believe it[img]smileys/smilies_32.gif[/img]. Thats what my dh tells me all the time. Plus I am SO nauseous and have a BIG appetite decrease.

    What you are feeling is so normal...I am going through the same thing. You are going to be just fine and in 8 months (or so) you will be holding a beautiful little baby!

  8. #8
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    United States


    I know what you mean that the symptoms should be enough. My boobs hurt so bad right now, even just brushing my arms against them.

    The last pregnancy test I took had a much darker test line than control line too. I still kind of want to run to Target and get another test or two, but I am trying to tell myself that the symptoms should be enough to convince me.

    At this point, I think I am just going to hold off the next two weeks and wait to go to the doctor. I could go to my primary doc, but I don't think it would really ease my mind much, until, like you said madisonsmom, I get the ultrasound and all of that.

    Does the whole pregnancy go this slow or just the beginning?????

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi everyone, I just joined the site today, so i am not really sure how this works my name is Charlie

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    United States


    I am so happy for you two. And I am actally quite jealous! I can't wait to hear more from the both of you.
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  11. #11
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    It goes slow the whole time and the last month is terrible. UGH. Its the anticipation of wanting to see your baby.

    The wait is worth it!

  12. #12
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    United States


    Each day just sees to go by so slow! Hopefully it will be better after I get reassured a little at my appointment. Then maybe I can relax. Honestly though, my gut feeling tells me everything is going to be fine, so I am trying not to worry about it.

    My husband hasn't been too understanding lately though. I don't think he realizes just how tired I am and just how sensitive my stomach is. I can see why they call it the 9 month flu - it really does feel like the flu with all the aches and pains and tiredness. It's hard for me to get all excited when he doesn't seem to be. I wanted to go to Babies R Us just to look around and get ideas for stuff and, granted he hates shopping, but he just couldn't see the point because it is so early. Don't get me wrong, he wants the baby and all, it was planned, but he said it just isn't real to him yet. It sure is real to me and it would be so much more helpful if he would realize that!

    Did/does anyone have a problem sleeping? Even though I am so tired I sleep horribly. I never feel like I get rest, I wake up a million times and toss and turn. I feel hot and cold at the same time. Maybe I am just getting sick? I just don't feel like myself anymore.

    I am a little concerned because a guy at work has been sick lately. He said he has felt this way for 3 weeks - headaches, muscle aches, lightheaded, dizzy, feverish, fatigued. It sounds like he's pregnant![img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] I actually hope whatever it is isn't contagious. You would think I would have had it by now, but maybe I already do? I am so afraid of catching anything right now. He finally went to the doctor this afternoon, so hopefully he will come back tomorrow with nothing wrong or at least nothing contagious. Another coworker said he looked yellow which really freaked me out (hepatitis) but I don't think he really did. In the mean time, I will try to drink lots of orange juice and try to get lots of rest. I feel like I would be so much better if I could just get one good nights sleep, but so far it has happened. Maybe tonight!Edited by: sillygirl

  13. #13
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    United States


    It seems like men have a harder time grasping the reality of a baby coming until they can feel it move, or they go to an ultrasound.

    Tell him this...

    Did you know that in the first 12 weeks that you are expending as much energy as if you were mountain climbing? UGH! Thats a lot of energy. I mean you are creating another human being.

    I toss and turn too. Dont feel bad. I take a nap during the day when I can with my daughter. It helps.

    I just cant wait to get more energy. I dont feel like doing anything because I am so very tired!

  14. #14
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    United States


    I feel way too good today. I am still a little tired, but my boobs aren't sore anymore, I'm not n* and I am craving chocolate which I haven't wanted to touch since I got pregnant. I am scared that this means it is over.

    I was on the floor this morning playing with one of my dogs (a lab) and he tried to stand up by pushing against my stomach. It hurt really bad when he did it, but I didn't really cramp or bleed afterwards. Could that have done something?

    I never thought I would miss feeling bad so much!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Don't worry about feeling good for one day. I felt awful yesterday. Could barely eat toast and then afterwards would still feel gross. And I could barely keep my eyes open. Today, I feel awesome. I've eaten everything in site and have way more energy. Enjoy today. That's my philosophy. Tomorrow I could feel yucky again. I like to lay on the couch when I am so tired and wiped out and think about which body part I must be making today. Queer, but it makes me feel so much better knowing there's a good reason for it all. I wouldn't worry about your dog jumping on you. I survived my second pregnancy with a toddler who constantly jumped on me. I even slipped on ice while carrying my toddler and everything was fine. I was really sore, but fine. Eat your chocolate and enjoy [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  16. #16
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    Your baby is nestled way down in your pelvis right now. Dont worry...you dog didnt do anything.[img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

    I go through days of no symptoms too!

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    United States


    I'm thinking about just making some excuse up and goingto see the doctor just so I can put my mind at ease! This is killing me! Although I do want to go in at 8 weeks and hopefully see a strong heartbeat and developing little baby. I need to just stop thinking and over-analyzing everything!

  18. #18
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    United States


    Just butting in here, and I'm embarrassed that I know absolutely NOTHING about babies and pregnancy, but you all are having such strong symptoms and it's so early! I wonder how some women go thru an entire pregnancy not knowing and then suddenly go into labor. It's really exciting to be watching you guys go thru this from the beginning. All of us are going to be as attached to your babies as you are! Go to the doctor, sillygirl. The suspense would be absolutely killing me too!!!!!
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  19. #19
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by 2jo2
    JI wonder how some women go thru an entire pregnancy not knowing and then suddenly go into labor. It's really exciting to be watching you guys go thru this from the beginning. All of us are going to be as attached to your babies as you are! Go to the doctor, sillygirl. The suspense would be absolutely killing me too!!!!!

    Thats sweet! You will probably hear everything about our pregnancies! I too DO NOT understand how someone would not know they are pregnant. I mean the whole nine months? Dont you think they would wonder what the feeling was when the baby was moving and kicking?[img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

  20. #20
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    United States


    And how about missing your period for 9 months? How could you just overlook that? I can't see how anyone would not know. I don't see how anyone can not show! I am only 5 1/2 weeks and I already have a belly! I can't believe it! I'm going to be the size of house in 9 months! I am so smallnormally - I don't know how I am going to hide it for long. The zipper on the pants I wore today kept working its way down because of the bulge in my tummy.That has never happened before in these pants!

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    United States


    Thats too cute[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]. Its so exciting. I cant wait to start showing where everyone knows I am pregnant!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    hmmmm....I do know people who have gone 4-6 months without knowing they are pregnant. They were on the pill, so they got withdrawal bleeding (when you're on the pill it's not really a period)- and just thought they were getting fat, haha. When the baby first starts moving, it can easily be disguised as gas (apparently). I think after a certain point though, there must be a little denial in there.

    Personally, I have never been regular with my periods. I have gone for 6 months without getting one, so not getting it for a few months at a time isnt a concern to me. Hahahaha...if/when I get pregnant, I have no clue how I'm going to know.

    ****sorry, little rant here- can you tell I've been reading my feminist literature? ****

    While we're on the issue of pregnancy- do you know what drives me insane? When women choose to have a C-section instead of natural birth because they either think it's less painful *snigger* or want to pick their child's birthday. If there is a medical reason why a C-section is best, then by all means, but I know of several people who are CHOSING this when the recovery time is longer and it opens a whole other set of possible complications. That and episiotomies(sp?)....they are still being done fairly often in North America, and can lead to serious problems (incontinence, loss of feeling, etc.)- if you tear naturally, you will rip less and cause less damage...if you intentionally cut, you will probably tear MORE along that cut...

    ****end rant****

    Congrats to all the ladies that are expecting! That must be so exciting....can't wait to see the bebe-pics!


    PS- forgot to add that some people don't show until really late...My aunt was still wearing her cut-off jean shorts (the ones that fit her BEFORE she got knocked up) until she was about 7 or 8 months pregnant....and my grandmother was 6 months pregnant in her wedding picture, and she had no stomach to speak of (she said she popped in her 8th month- and my aunt that she gave birth to was about 8 lbs). I hope I follow after them when the time comes....my mom, unfortunately, gained 65lbs with me, and 63lbs with my brother (what, was she pregnant with a 4 year old?) [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]She lost it soon afterwards, but daaayumEdited by: crimgoddess

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  23. #23
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    Alberta, Canada


    Hey all!!

    Sillygirl - I wore my regular jeans still (I got a belly early too) and just put an elastic band around the waist. This way, you aren't buying maternity jeans too early (bad, btw, I know) and still are "hiding" it. Just make sure your shirt is long enough to cover it!

    crimgoddess - I am in canada, and the WANTED me to tear, as opposed to an episiotomy. You apparently heal faster and are less likely to get an infection if it's "natural". The hospital I was in would NOT give epidurals unless you were in labour for like 36 hours, and were screaming bloody murder. Of course, though, they give them out like candy in Calgary and Edmonton hospitals.

    PREGGYS - All I have to say about pain management during labour - GET THE NITROUS OXIDE....AMEN! [img]smileys/smilies_39.gif[/img]

    Looking forward to hearing all about your pregnancies, I can live vicariously through you, cause I want a baby so bad, that clock is so loud I can't hear myself! [img]smileys/smilies_10.gif[/img]

    Crystal [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi there, I'm new to the site today!

    Its really good to hear about your pregnancies! Just wondered if you were as terified of getting pregnant as I am. Don't get me wrong I am still very young and in no way trying but I wonder if I will ever be able to face it. Its some thing I want to do more than any thing but the fear of morning sickness and the thought of my babyvomiting makes me wonder if I am going to be able to!

    Some thoughts would be very much appreciated!

  25. #25
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    United States


    I will be asking for an epidural the second I get to the hospital!

    jone - welcome to the site! There was definitely a time where I was way too scared to even consider getting pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I am far from "cured" now, but I finally was able to get to the point where the good things about having a baby outweighed the fear. Since I am still early in my pregnancy, I still have a fear of getting morning sickness, but I just take it day by day. I try to eat right, eat often so my stomach doesn't get empty, and I have ginger and B-6 tablets just in case. I also know that there are medications to take if it gets bad, so that helps to ease my mind a bit.

    As far as after the baby gets born, there are two things that are really helping me through that. First, my husband is really supportive of my emet and knows that he will be responsible for any illnesses that involve v*. Of course, I know that there will be times when it happens and he isn't there, but I am also going to a therapist to help get me over this phobia. She has really helped out a lot. Before seeing her, I'm not sure I would have been up for the challenge of pregnancy, but I have now become determined to beat this fear, and the best way to do that is to face it, do the things you are afraid to do. When you realize that they aren't that bad, it makes the next step a little easier. I really do think I will get over this soon. I don't want to let it interfere with my life anymore.

    Anyway, welcome again to the site! Everyone here is great and very supportive. Without this site I'm not sure I would be wher I am today with this phobia.

  26. #26
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    United States


    I was so nauseous last night and almost v*. I held it in...I really should have because I probably would have felt better. I took a B6 and it didnt help. I took Tums and they did not help UGH!

    As far as labor goes...I have had an epidural with all of my kids. I will do the same with this one if I need it.

    In my humble opinion...I personally disagree with elective c-sections. If its medically necessary yes thats fine. I bet thats a lot of money out of pocket because I doubt many insurance companies will pay for an elective c-section. I would want to avoid a c-section if at all possible. I have had vaginal deliveries with each one and it is incredible! I have had complications after my last two babies due to the labor and delivery process and this is something I will talk to my doctor about but do not want a c-section if it can be avoided.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Madisonmom - how many children do you have?
    Do you find it really stressful having more children than you did when
    you only had the first? Especially at this time of year?
    Big hugs to you for being sooooo brave!!! I've only got the one and I
    think I'll stop there!
    Laugh, quick, before you cry....

  28. #28
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    My only thought about epidurals, is that they can be dangerous. My s-i-l had one with my neice, and she has SEVERE back problems now. They kept 'missing' the spot. I'm glad now, that I never got one. Even though I had the gas, I got to experiencce the whole thing, naturally, and don't think I would want it any other way. But, everyone has different opinions.


    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  29. #29
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    madisonsmom - have you talked to your doctor about your n*? I told mine about my emet and she said that if ginger and B-6 don't work she will give me drugs. How far along are you now? When did your m/s get so bad? Are you able to eat or do you still have no appetite?

    I certainly will not elect to have a c-section if I don't need one. The thought of someone cutting my stomach open while I am awake terrifies me. I will deal with it if I have to, but I eally hope not to. My MIL is a nurse and keeps telling me that because I am so small there is no way I an have a vaginal birth but I am determined to prove her wrong! I was surprised last night, I saw on the news that almost 30% of all deliveries last year in the US were by c-section. There is no way that many were medically necessary.

    As far as the epidural goes, I have heard of the potential for them causing permanent damage. I also know that there is a chance thatit may not even work. I have heard that these chances are so small though, that I am willing to give it a try. My mom had such fast labors that they didn't even have time to give her one, so who knows, that may happen to me as well. If I feel that I don't need one, I won't get it, but I am fully prepared to get one if I need to.

  30. #30
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    massachussetts United States


    I had epidurals with both of my kids and they worked fabulously!I amsoooo happy for you guys!!![img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]And I love reading your posts. Mine are 6 1/2 and 8 1/2 now and I miss those days. Feeling the baby moving around inside you, dreaming about what sex it will be! Everything about being pregnant and having a baby!!! Sillygirl, I used to worry all the time with my first one too so I bought 2 things which may be helpful for you also. The first thing was a pregnancy calender-you can mark of each day and your progress, see how big the baby is each month, ect. And the second is the book"What to expect when you're excpecting".I had one each way-natural and c-section. My youngest was coming out hand first , so, they told me I needed a c-sect. Which looking back was a good thing because she was 8lb 6oz(I'm 5 ft tall 100 lbs)whereas my first was 6 lbs 4 oz. I blame itallon Ben and Jerry's mint cookie ice cream. [img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]
    \"Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans\"-John Lennon



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