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Thread: wisdom teeth

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    hey everyone i have a question about getting your wisdom teeth out. i was just wondering if when i woke up if i would v* i have been really nervouse about that and i didnt kno if anyone had them out already and if they v* afterwards if anyone has any answers or tips i would appriciate them thx!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I had them out and never even felt like v*. They put me out for a long time too because I guess I was so nervous I kept setting off the blood pressure monitor. Everytime it happened, they pumped me with more stuff. I ended up being knocked out for 4 hours for a procedure that only took 45 minutes! When I woke up I was afraid I would v* so I crawled to the bathroom and just sat on the bathroom floor for about an hour. The funny part was, even though I was scared I wuold v* before I went in, after I woke up I was still so loopy that I really don't think I would have cared if I actually did v*. But like I said, I never even felt like it - even with pain pills on an empty stomach. You will be fine!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    Mike just had his out and was on anti-biotics, an anti-inflamatory, and perks, and he was put under anesitesia.. NEVER V*ED ONCE.... he's just sore... but no nausea... you'll be fine.. just ice on and off every 20 minutes for the first day.
    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by nickr8
    hey everyone i have a question about getting your wisdom
    teeth out. i was just wondering if when i woke up if i would v* i have
    been really nervouse about that and i didnt kno if anyone had them out
    already and if they v* afterwards if anyone has any answers or tips i
    would appriciate them thx!

    It's very common because of the anesthesia. Most commonly happens when
    they use laughing gas to put you to sleep but not with IV. So ask for
    IV anesthetic instead.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    United States


    Yeah wisdom tooth removal is an issue I'm currently avoiding dealing
    with myself. Most people I know got theres out a couple years ago but I
    still haven't.

    I think there might actually be enough room for the top 2, but the
    bottom 2 are pretty tightly in there. They haven't finished coming in
    yet though, they're sticking halfway through the gum. It hurts like
    hell sometimes.....I can see why teething babies cry so much!

    I need to find a new dentist because I haven't been to in a long time
    and I'm sure when I do he/she will tell me to get them out immediately,
    but I'm too scared to.

    My old dentist first told me to when I was in 10th grade and the first
    person I asked about getting theirs out was my friend Jon. He said that
    he didn't remember a thing about it but his mom told him that as she
    was taking him out to the car he threw up blood. My emet even was doing
    extremely well at that time, but it freaked me out!

    We had planned to get them out the summer after my old dentist told me
    to get them out, but then my dad lost his job so that put it off for
    about six months because we didn't have any health insurance. After he
    got another job it was like recovery time so everyone forgot. Then my
    emet flared up and I was already 18 by then......so now it's completely
    my choice when I get them out and I am very chicken.

    I'm scared to death of anesthetic because I've never had it and I've heard it makes you v*.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    well now that im thinkin about it people only tell u that u could get sick from laughing gas and i was put under laughing gas before and i woke up and didnt get sick. they say if they put an IV in you you should be fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I've always had my wisdom teeth taken out (only one at a time though) whilst I was awake.My dentistasked me if I'd prefer going into hospital or staying there and there was no contest as I hate hospitals! My dentist just numbed the area via injections in my mouth, then set to work. The first one I had removed took him over an hour as it was growing sideways, and I managed to watch the whole thing via reflection in my dentiist's specs! The other two (still have one) I had removed came out fairly easily. I never felt sick afterwards, just had very sore gums and found it a pain trying to eat!


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I have had two out and still need to get the other two out. I was (am!) a HUGE chicken, too! I had them out one at a time with just novacaine. The first one was VERY easy, and the 2nd one was harder and more painful longer afterwards, but neither one caused any v*!

    Good luck!

    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    I had all four of mine removed at once, and I had local anestisia... (but all of my teeth were only partially impacted). THey gave me laughing gas to calm me down first, and then did the injections. The injections can be pretty painful. I found that the gum injections were fine, but the ones they did in my cheeks hurt like a mofo! But I was never sick and wasn't groggy after surgery. (I too got to watch inthe reflection of my dentists mask... it was actually kind of cool).

    But I never got sick, and never felt sick... just sore. I was actually very fortunate w/ my teeth. I was in excrutiating pain for the first day. But from then on out I was fine. A little sore but I could eat and everything. Everybody's different I guess.

    Good luck. Your mouth should feel better after it's all done.
    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    I had all 4 out at the same time under general anestesia. I also has gas to put me to sleep before I got the IV (I'm a chicken). I never vomited once. In fact, I went home half and hour after the procedure and ate!

    About laughing gas. YOU WILL NOT VOMIT FROM IT! I have it EVERY time I have a procedure at the dentist. So DON"T WORRY!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    I don't get the whole laughing gas/putting you out phenomena...in Northern Ontario I never got those options! haha.

    I had my wisdom teeth out the week before I left to go to university. They didn't put me out- just numbed the area with novacaine (and a lot of it- I wanted to be absolutely sure I didnt feel anything). They pulled all 4 wisdom teeth- and two others that were really far back and decaying. I'm personally glad I went for this option, because not only was it somewhat fascinating to watch, I left feeling a little sore but good to go. No dizziness orloopiness- went home and read a book recommended for one of my courses. I was swollen like a chipmunk, but pretty functional.

    I dont have a high pain threshold, and I was able to go through it without any issues. I would recommend this option if you think you can take it...


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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I've never been offered laughing gas either, but I am always ok about being at the dentist and don't get anxious about it, so I guess that's why.


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hey there! This is my first time talking on this site but I often have a read what people have written. When the topic of Wisdom Teeth came up I couldn't resist joining in. I had all my wisdom teeth taken out 2 years agobut had been putting it offfor years asi had heard you could vomit after anasthetic and this often happens to my father. I wasfine but I think my best advise would be to mention it to the nurses when you goin as this is whatI did and they offered me loads of support and reasuring when I came round. They also gave me helpful hints when taking the many tablets they give you as I aslo fear that when I take tablets they will make me vomit.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Wow!! this is the very same issue i'm dealing with right now. I went in to the dentist and they said, come back in an hour and we'll put you under and take out your teeth. That was over five years ago. I never went back. LOL
    I\'m FINE! And so are you.



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