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Thread: Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Unhappy Help

    Hi, I am new to this site and so happy I found it. I have suffered with a fear of vomiting for almost 30 years now. I have been off work for two days now because 3 co-workers have had the stomach flu. I have to go back to work can't afford to be off, but i am so scared. Does anyone have any advise they can offer?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Help

    Hey lj!
    I know exactly how you feel! I work in a care home that has had norovirus twice this winter. I've also had lots of time off work to avoid catching it. Can I ask where you work? The best advice I can give you is to wash your hands and to avoid touching anything that is communally used at your workplace, for example, tea and coffee facilities, tea towels to dry your hands etc. If anyone is sick in the care home I usually avoid eating and drinking there so I don't use the glasses and cutlery that may have been touched by others. I've suffered from this phobia since I can remember and I'm now 26. It's a really awful thing to have to live with

  3. #3

    Default Re: Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Ladyface View Post
    Hey lj!
    I know exactly how you feel! I work in a care home that has had norovirus twice this winter. I've also had lots of time off work to avoid catching it. Can I ask where you work? The best advice I can give you is to wash your hands and to avoid touching anything that is communally used at your workplace, for example, tea and coffee facilities, tea towels to dry your hands etc. If anyone is sick in the care home I usually avoid eating and drinking there so I don't use the glasses and cutlery that may have been touched by others. I've suffered from this phobia since I can remember and I'm now 26. It's a really awful thing to have to live with
    I agree with ladyface - really good advice.
    The main advice I can give you is to try and repeatedly remind yourself of how exactly you contract noro - by eating the particles.
    So if you maintain good hygiene, as ladyface said - lots of hand washing after touching things and especially before eating/putting your hands in your mouth and you should be fine!
    I also agree with ladyface I would avoid eating with your works cutlery etc, but thats up to you
    Furthermore depending on where you live see if you can get one of those special hand sanitisers that protect against noro. I use Sterizar (it's on google and amazon) but I think it's only available in the UK so depending on where you live you might have to find an alternative. There is another good one in the US but I can't recall the name (think it's germzar or something?)
    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Help

    Ah good point marzipan! Make sure you wash your hands before using alcohol gel as it's less effective otherwise



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