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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I am just soo frustrated with my family, my extended family is not good to have if you are an emet/general germaphobic like myself.

    Since my mom always cooks, every single year, for Thanksgiving, this year she decided not to have it. People whined and moaned, but nobody offered to cook either, so we went to a restaurant, I thought okay, this should be good anyway. Well, it wasn't really a restaurant, it is a bar/bowling alley.

    Then we get there, and I was like, what's that line for? My mom said the buffet, I cringed, I hate buffets. Food sitting out when it shouldn't, people touching it that shouldn't, people coughing and sneezing, just general yuckiness. I hadn't eaten, so was hungry, I bucked up and got the buffet.

    My turkey was a little pink in the middle, I just ate around the edges where it was white. I got two dinner rolls, I figured they were safe, and mashed potatos are pretty safe. I stayed away from everything else, included the deserts because they were set out where people were sitting. Yuck.

    Then my cousin gets there. Both her kids are sick. One she lifts up IN my face for me to KISS. I back up and gave her a weird look, not sure if she got the hint. I should have said something, but it wouldn't have gone over well. Then, the older one (3 years old I think) was wiping his snot with his hand, and then stuck his hand in the chip bag, that EVERYBODY was eating from. Not me, but gross, nasty, bleh.

    Then my aunt got terribly drunk. She had gastric bypass surgery a few years ago and is prone to upset stomach anyway, but she got so hammered that the bar cut her off. Towards the end we were sitting there with her and she shoved a chocolate covered cherry in her mouth after a shot of tequila. It made her retch and gag, she ran into the bathroom, I'm not sure what she did in there, I put my hood up, covered my ears and closed my eyes. This caused the rest of the family to get into detailed stories about their own vomit stories.

    I was so relieved when we left. Edited by: ChippedAway

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Wow...I don't know how I would have handled that. We used to go to my god mother's house for thanksgiving. About 5 years ago my mom started to cook her own turkey and serve it at our house. I wouldn't eat ANY of the turkey that was pink even though everyone else was. My mom gave me the neck of the turkey to eat (which is surprisingly tasty so don't EWWW it) Anyway that was a first for my mom cause she usually eats the neck. I brought home a lot of food and even though I'm feeling sick now I'm glad I went.

    Buffets...I HATE buffets. Have you ever been to the Mongolian BBQ? They sit like EVERYTHING out (Raw meat and stuff) and you put it in a bowl with vegetables and what not and then take it over to a communal spot where they cook it for you. I HATE that! They shouldn't have RAW meat just SITTING out...I mean I know it's kept rather cold but still. Whenever I go there I just get some tofu instead of meat.

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Fam-damnly indeed - what a wretched time! So sorry you had to go
    through that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    That really is yucky I'm sorry. I would never eat at a buffet either. My family is okay with it, but not me, s*** I don't even eat food that I made, after my family has service themselves from it. My mom always lets me get served first, or she saves stuff aside for me, because my older sister(30) and her son (5) are disgusting and will touch everything. My sister will wiped the spoon clean with her finger. Eh! I never share food with anyone but my boyfriend, and the only reason for that is that I make him wash his hands, and I kiss him...so whats the difference really? I'm going shopping after Thanksgiving, are you? Last year it was terriable, but we go every year. I saw two people, with in five minutes v* everywhere in the store I was in. I literally ran away from the one store, just in time to make it to the other store, to run out of that one too. It was traumatic, no wonder I can't sleep right now, I'm all anxious and neverous for shopping in a few hours here. I hope you are feeling a little more relaxed today, and think happy thoughs of CHristmas is almost here. Oh yeah, I'm gonna look like an elf when I go out today, so laugh your ass off about that too. I love CHristmas.
    I love Sam
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United States


    ARGH, I hate buffets. I don't like to think about what might be living in that food.

    Sorry you had to deal with walking germ-fests. :/ My extended family is
    the same. I didn't bother with Thanksgiving this year-- both of my
    cousins were sick, and my aunt, the brilliant woman she is, expected
    eeeeveryone to come to her apartment. Luckily, my grandmother (the only
    one who seems to think about the consequences of colds and CF) called
    before we went anywhere and told me. I just got out of the hospital as
    well, and a cold would put me right back in. Same with my sister.

    I'm still a little angry. Apparently babies with colds matter more than
    anyone else in the family. ...Not that I minded missing Thanksgiving,
    as I'm not the family-gathering sort. Besides, my aunt orders all of
    her Thanksgiving dinners precooked from Fresh Direct-- it's quite sad,
    LOL. [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Eww, that does sound nasty. I know non emets who dislike buffet style meals so I dont even thinks it's just us. You deserve a good pat on the back for how well you did! I would have probably dug in my purse for a tic tac or soemthign and said forget eating lol. Good job!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United States


    You poor thing! Sounds like an awful time! One of my friends had the g-bypass done about years ago,... so whatever would posess your aunt to do that is beyond me.... Maybe you should speak to your mum about the upcoming holidays now... before they come... if you all celebrate them... either way, I REALLY hope those ones go better for you

    Maybe next year, you should offer to cook (lol)?
    Friendship is like pee in your pants.... everyone can see it.... but only YOU can feel it\'s true warmth...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    Just a little fun fact. Some times the dark meat part of the turkey
    looks pink and has fatty material in it that looks like it might be
    raw. I stuck the termometer in our turkey in multiple locations and it
    was piping hot at 195 and the dark meat still had pinkish coloring. The
    white meat did not.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Thanks guys, it was a disaster. My problem is if I cook, that they come over to my house... and they use my bathroom. I have a problem with other people using my bathroom (weird, I know...).

    The things that sucks, I am sick today. Fever, stuffy nose, sinus pain,worse cough than usual. I am going to the doctor Monday.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    You know what?

    I have a bit of a buffet-fetish- even though I know the possibility for contamination is high, and a lot of the food could have been sitting there for hours.

    I think it's because Im an extremely picky eater (Im a vegetarian, but I also gag if I bite into anything with onion, celery, or peppers on it). I like heading to buffets, especially those with a salad bar, because I an actually pick what I want, and actually make myself a decent meal.

    The knowledge that my food may have been sneezed on and has been sitting under hot lights for anywhere from a few hours to a few days comes secondary.

    Sorry you had such a crappy time Chipped- alls I have to say is thank god your aunt wasn't spending the night at your place! My mom has a large family; when they get together and start drinking and someone is staying at my parent's place, I live in fear of a drunken vomit episode


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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    Chipped, are we related???? LOL!! Cuz your family gathering sounded just like the kind WE have hahaha! I HATE them! There's always SOMEONE who's either sick OR brings their sick KIDS!! What the heck???

    Ruby, i can relate to you as well, when it comes to witnessing ppl v* in malls!! Either i catch them doing it, or i see "it" on the floor!! It really does something to me, and i tend to fear going back to that same mall after that...yet i usually fight the fear and reluctantly go anyway, but the thought is always in my mind. That same thing happened at church last year! A poor old man was having a heart attack right before Mass started, and JUST when i looked over at him, he started v*ing!!! I was paralyzed...they were yelling for a doctor or nurse who may be there for Mass, to come over..which they did! Then after what seemed like HOURS, the paramedics came and took him away on a stretcher. I believe he died a few days later :-( I saw it in out news paper! BUT THAT affected me in such a way, that i became so fearful of going into Gods house :-((( Of course i forced myself to go, but i'd have panic attacks each time i was there! No one knew it, i am great at covering up my torment!! I sit silently freaking out, with my heart RACING to the point of feeling like i could pass out (yet i never did). You'd think it would get easier, the longer i go, but it doesn't :-( SEE what happens to us when we're confronted with out own phobia???? It messes us up BIGTIME!! Church is a place where you're supposed to feel your most peaceful!! And it WAS like that...but sadly, not anymore :-( SO now i feel there's NOWHERE i can go, to feel peaceful! This SUCKS!!!!
    For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7



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