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  1. #1

    Default What are your views on this?

    Can you reinfect yourself with your own stomach virus? Iv had d for 4 days and think I'm at the end of it now. However my mind is racing.. Earlier I went to the loo and had d. I cleaned myself up. But before I could wash my hands I sneezed and put my hands on my mouth. If Iv ingested the virus that's made me bad the last few days, am I immune to it now? Or can I become ill again?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: What are your views on this?

    You've still got it in you if your having symptoms (even mild ones) so its highly unlikely. We all carry salmonella in our intestines and never get ill from it but we can catch it off others that aren't so hygienic. I read your earlier posts and will gall bladder problems you get acidic yellow d*, did you get it checked by your doctor?



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