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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Benzethonium Chloride references

    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone have any references or studies that conclusively demonstrates that Benzethonium Chloride (wetones, for instance) kills norovirus? I'm only seeing studies that say the opposite. I know that supposedly .13% kills noro, and wetones have .3%, but I'm wondering now if those wipes do any good to kill noro, based on the studies I've seen.

    So, can anyone restore my faith in WetOnes?? I'd love to see a study done that shows that BEC kills noro!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Benzethonium Chloride references

    I've never heard of it, I always clean with a mild bleach water mix, I also do this for hand sanitiser and use moisturising lotion after ive used it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Benzethonium Chloride references

    I'm pretty sure Benzethonium Chloride is listed on the Facts Page, and that in concentration of .13% or greater, it will kill norovirus. I came across another paper that stated BEC doesn't kill it though, so I'm a little confused haha!



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