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  1. #1
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    Mar 2005
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    I am n* now and I am not sure if it is real or not. I ate some summer sausage after I came home from shopping, and it looked greasier than normal. It tasted fine though and it was brand new - I just bought it today. I am burping it up now though, and I feel n* and kind of like a gnawing up under my rib cage.

    My husband came home from work really n*. He thinks it is from the pizza they ordered for lunch. He said a couple people he works with were complaining of not feeling well after they ate the pizza as well. He was really close to v* when he came home, but after he relaxed a little he felt better. Then he got up to let the dogs out and it all came back again.

    I am scared that he is actually sick and gave it to me. He looks a little pale, but said he doesn't feel sick, just like bad food. I was trying to keep myself busy, cleaning the house and putting up Christmas decorations, but now my stomach hurts too bad. Do you think it is a sv? I really don't want to v*, but it is starting to hurt so much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Do you think for you it could be morning sickness? how has that been lately? Don't worry, you can handle it! I don't think he would lie to you about how he felt, and if others felt sick after the pizza too it was probably that for him. Good luck, take it easy and feel better!

  3. #3
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    United States


    I don't think it was mronign sickness. Indigestion maybe. I really haven't had much morning sickness. I am 7 weeks today, so I am hoping that if I dont get it in the next week or two, maybe i wont get it at all. My doctor's appointment is finally coming up in a couple of days and I am so excited but also really nervous. I just hope everyhting is okay. I have had a loss of symptoms lately and that makes me nervous. Still no bleeding though, so I suppose that is a good sign.

    I think my hubby is feeling a little better now. He got up tofeed the dogs and let them out and stuff and didnt get as n* as last time he got up and moved around. He said it feels like things are "moving through." I guess that means it will be d* soon!

  4. #4
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    Sillygirl...m/s could hit anytime, anywhere. It's crappy, but true. Consider yourself lucky that all you have had is a bit of n* from time to time. I would totally chalk it up to m/s. Sometimes, baby decides it doesn't like a certain food, one that you have been eating, than, BAM...no more of that for a while.

    As for loss of symptoms, don't worry about it. Your symptoms will come and go and change all the time. Not everone gets EVERY symptom, and some women have none at all. If there are no major cramping, and no bleeding....you are just fine, and so is the little bean!!

    Good luck!

    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  5. #5
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    I want to share something that I read recently.

    When you get pregnant you stomach does not produce the same amount of hydrochloric acid that it would if you werent pregnant. So some food might offend you now that didnt before you were pregnant. Also, the reduction in acid slows your whole digestive tract down thus causing you to feel full a lot.

    I didnt know that!

    I thought that was interesting. Might explain why you feel bad!!

  6. #6
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    Madisonsmom - that probably is why my tummy didn't like the greasy sausage! But it tasted sooooo good!

    My hubby still isn't 100%. He feels like he needs to "get it out" but I don't think he is n* anymore. I was really surprised at how calm I was about this when I came home and he told me he wasn't feeling well. Even though he said it was the pizza, I always wonder if maybe he is wrong and it is actually a sv. I pretty much was just like "whatever, feel better," got him a Sprite and ate and drank some stuff myself. I washed my hands of course, but not as religiously as I do when I am concerned about a sv in the house.Then I started second guessing. I wondered if maybe I wasn't careful enough. I am still burping the sausage, butit probably is just something that the baby doesn't want me to eat.

    I did have some pretty hard crampingyesterday,much worse than I have had so far. No bleeding though. I think it is probably just from the constipation I have been dealing with lately. I had a horrible night, upset stomach the whole night, was really worried I would have to cancel shopping with my friend. This morning, though, I felt much better and had a great time shopping. I'm pretty tired, but all in all feel better. I would have calle dthe doctor this morning,but it seemed like the cramps stopped as soon as I was able to go to the bathroom.

    I cannot wait to go to the doctor finally! I will definitely bring up the cramps and hopefully it will get me an ultrasound if I wasn't alreadygoingto get one!

  7. #7
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    United States


    When do you go to the doctor?

  8. #8
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    Alberta, Canada


    Sillygirl....constipation is a real pain in the butt (pardon the pun). For me it did cause cramping, not until third trimester for me....so, I thought I was in labour. I had so many "false labours" that when i was really in labour, nobody wanted to go the hospital since it wouldn't be the real thing. We sat in a restaurant for 3 hours. Finally, my husband (now ex) and my mom actually believed I was in labour. Isaac was born less than 8 hours later (would have been sooner, but he was crooked). Try taking extra flax, that should help give you some relief!

    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    United States


    Sillygirl, I had some indigestion at one point in my pregnancy for a couple of
    weeks and one bout of n* but never v*. Hang in there, you sound good.

  10. #10
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    I just drank a lot of juice (apple and cranberry) and I think it finally helped a little. I am probably still a little constipated but not in the pain I was in.

    I go to the doctor on Wednesday! I am so excited! My husband is also starting to get really excited. He is hoping for an ultra sound too (at first, when I said I wanted one, he didn't see what the big deal was). I will keep you posted on what happens!

  11. #11
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    Glad things are *moving*. Cant wait to hear about your appt!

  12. #12
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    I am starting to get nervous about it. Like they are going to find something wrong. I just can't wait to get it over with!

  13. #13
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    Girl, you will do fine! I am so proud of you, you're dealing with this
    pregnancy like a non-emet would! That is something to be proud of. It
    sounds like you are handling yourself awesome! Good luck at your
    appointment, and let us know what happens!!!


    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  14. #14
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    You are being a sillygirl. I hateto be the bearer of bad news, but 7 weeks it the "time" that morning sickness kicks in. Typcially, it will last until about the 12/13 week, when the placenta takes over and the pregnancy is no longer supported by large quantities of progesterone. It can be mild or horrible. Just remember soon you will have a beautiful baby. Its worth it.

    I've beenbehind the green face and its rough.

    With tons of empathy,


  15. #15
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    Stella's right. My nausea is getting a little better. But like Stella said...until the placenta takes over...Progesterone RAGES!

  16. #16
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    Madisonsmom - when did your n* start? I know it was a little while ago. I'm glad you are feeling better though!

  17. #17
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    I guess about 5 1/2 - 6 weeks. I have good days and bad days. I had a bad spell tonight. UGH!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Hmmm- don't mean to scare you, but my mom managed to have morning sickness for 8 of her 9 months when she was pregnant with me. I guess the trade off was that her labour only lasted an hour and she said it didnt hurt enough to ask for drugs. My mom cries when she stubs her toe, but apparently childbirth was a breeze for her. Weird. (I should also note that my mom has an extremely nervous stomach and vomits at least once every 2 or 3 weeks).

    Good luck with everything! Keep some herbal tea and carbonated lemon-water on hand...when I friend of mine was expecting she said that sipping those helped calm everything down.


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  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada


    Morning sickness sucks! I hope you guys start to feel better soon....and like others have said, that baby in the end is worth it!!!

    I know how you guys feel though.

    That, which does not kill us, makes us stronger!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Good luck on Wednesday. I often find that I get really crampy on days when I have not had enough to drink so make sure you are staying hydrated. It will help the constipation problem too. I am 9 1/2 weeks and I still am having days where nothing sounds good to eat and I feel all burpy and bloated, but thankfully not very nauseous. I had pizza the other night and I'm not sure I will be able to smell, see or even attempt to eat pizza for awhile. It just gave me awful heartburn. I've been finding that a litte bit of vanilla ice cream in the evening has settled my stomach and got me ready for bed. Not good for the weight gain though! My worst two weeks where between 6 and 8 weeks, so hang in there, maybe you are about to cross the threshhold!

  21. #21
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    United States


    That vanilla ice cream idea sounds really good! Most of the times I have felt n* so far are usually right about the time I go to bed. I contribute it to not having eaten anything lately, but when I am really tired I just don't feel like eating. A bowl of ice cream sounds good anytime though!

    Being dehydrated probably is causing my cramping (and constipation) too. It was the worst Thursday, but I have had some off and on every day since then. I just have such a hard time drinking enough water. Some days are better than others, but I probably hardly ever get as much as you are supposed to have. I should actually be drinking more, too, since I have kidney stones.

    Ugh, heartburn and indigestion. I feel like I can only eat the blandest foods. I had a problem with indigestion and heartburn even before I got pregnant, so now I have to be extra careful. I do have a bottle of Tums with me at all times, though, just in case!

    I am so anxious for Wednesday now! I am so scared they are going to tell me "you aren't really pregnant." I really doubt that, but it still crosses my mind. I just need to know that everything is doing fine in there.

    I am feeling a little off now. I think my bowels are still a little out of whack, and thinking about my appointment probably doesn't help much either. I'm sure I will feel much better after Wednesday!

    It's funny - when people ask me how I am feeling I tell them "too good - like I'm not really pregnant." But reading what I just wrote, I definitely sound pregnant, don't I!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    Not to worry my dear.....I have thoroughly researched m/s. Nearly100% ofemetophobes will be v*-free duringpregnancy, while a majority of those will feel n*, and that's it.You havereached the climax of severity.....and it's allcupcakes and tea henceforth. Congratulations, by the way! If the n* persists, buy a pair of those wrist bands if you haven't done so yet (they will do you much justice)...and keep sipping water throughout the day. Avoid spicey/acidic/gas-inducing foods, and you're good to go....This will not bea low-carb diet. Haha....bread (sprouted bean bread especially) will help keep your digestive tract flowing smoothly. Typical white and wheat breads may actually bloat you more!! Let me know if you try out the sprouted grain products....they have helped neutralize my system.

  23. #23
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    jasmine - no problem here on the carbs! Because of my emet, I am no where close to having to worry about gaining weight. Where do you get those sprouted bean bread products?

  24. #24
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    I have lots of trouble drinking water too. It makes me gag unless it is ICEY cold.

    I am still getting nauseous at night, typically around 9pm. ICK.

    Jasmine...that is wonderful information. THANK YOU![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  25. #25
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    I have found Country Time lemonade to be my new best friend! It has real sugar (not the nutrasweet stuff) so it's okay to drink while you are pregnant. I can drink so much more of that than water! I bought the big tub of the powder from Costco. I think as long as I drink that I will be able to get a lot more liquids down.

  26. #26
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    Aww...you guys are an inspiration! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]I'm only 18, so a baby isn't really on the cards for me right now, but seeing you both dealing with the pregnancy woes so well, it kinda puts me at a bit more ease, for the future and everything.

    Let us know how your appointment goes, ok sillygirl?Edited by: angel13

  27. #27
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    That's funny Sillygirl, I have the same exact monster tub from Costco and when I was feeling my worst a couple of weeks ago, the lemonade definitely made me feel better. I forgot about that. I am horrible at drinking water too. I buy the bottled water at Costco and try to grab one from the fridge everytime I leave the house. For some reason I'm more likely to drink it in the car than when I'm at home. Well, back to decorating I must go.....

  28. #28
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    silly girl how you doing?????

    madisons mom, how you doing too?????
    One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

  29. #29
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    I'm doing pretty good. Excited, anxious, nervous about my appointment tomorrow. I will post an update as soon as I get back from the doctor!

  30. #30
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    I agree with jasmine....I did feel N* all the time while pregnant, but never actually V*'d. I thought I would and had a garbage can by the bed waiting, but never once used it.

    Sillygirl, you will be fine and it is so worth it.

    I did drink a lot of water, but mine had to be very cold as well. I kept it in the freezer for an hour and it got a little crunchy and I loved that and still do.

    TRY to live each day like it were your last



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