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  1. #1

    Default Random- bit by pet rat and freaking out!

    I stupidly poked my finger through my friend's pet rat cage and it bit me! (I deserved it.) it bled for a minute then stopped. I washed it immediately but now I'm freaking out about contracting some terrible disease like tetanus or rate bite fever. I can't remember when I had my last tetanus booster.... I called my doctor's office but they haven't gotten back to me yet.

    Anyone with pet rat experience have any words of wisdom? It was a large "fancy rat" purchased at the pet store. I should add that another friend was bitten a couple weeks ago and he's was fine.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Bellevue, NE

    Default Re: Random- bit by pet rat and freaking out!

    I think you will be fine. My daughters and I used to constantly get bit by their gerbils and hamsters, even to the point of drawing blood. I think you will be ok. Just watch for infection... so clean it out good with alcohol or peroxide.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Random- bit by pet rat and freaking out!

    Yeah you're fine. If it was a sewer rat or something, it'd be an issue but it's a pet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Random- bit by pet rat and freaking out!

    The kind of domesticated rats that you buy from the pet store are completely harmless and don't carry infections, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's extremely rare. The best thing to do is keep an eye on your health over the next couple of days, if you start feeling nauseous or feverish then it might be worth getting the once over from a doctor to check everything is ok (although they really shouldn't, they might prescribe you with a course of antibiotics as a precautionary measure).

    In fact, I've been bitten many times by pet rats, gerbils, hamsters and their furry friends, a close friend of mine used to breed them and so got bit daily. Neither of us have ever contracted rat bite fever, and if we did, then we certainly didn't know about it! So try not to panic (I know we all do), you'll be absolutely fine

  5. #5

    Default Re: Random- bit by pet rat and freaking out!

    Thanks for your replies. I ended up getting a tetanus booster, since I know I need it anyway... So now, my rat bite is less worrisome and I'm just panicking at dealing with the vaccine side effects. It's been about 4 hours since I got it and my arm doesn't hurt, but I am having mild aches in lower back and head. However..... I feel like this from time to time even when nothing is wrong, so I'm trying not to overthink it. Also, it sounds like tetanus shot reactions are more localized arm pain than flu shots which can make you feel overall malaise.I have so much work and studying to do I can't afford to be feeling sick and panicky for the next few days!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Random- bit by pet rat and freaking out!

    Hey KarMar, I'm glad to hear that you've been ok so far I too am a big worrier when it comes to side effects (as many of us here are), but with these kind of vaccinations the reactions - like you say - are more than likely going to be limited to a bit of soreness or redness on your arm. I have lots of friends who've had the tetanus vaccinations and I've had it myself too and not one of us has had any adverse reactions to it. And keeping in mind that I have been diagnosed as extra sensitive to medication side effects, so if anyone was going to get side effects, it would have been me, so long story short, I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States

    Default Re: Random- bit by pet rat and freaking out!

    I'm sure you will be fine. Maybe take some Tylenol or Motrin to help ease your aches and that may help you relax. Don't be alarmed if your arm gets pretty sore. Best wishes.



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