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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Help me with my research?

    I'm currently working on a little research project which in short, is an attempt to catalog emetophobe's 'close encounter' style experiences for the purpose of learning about the kinds of lengths we emets go to in order to avoid catching illness from people we're close to and which methods are most effective. It won't have the rigour of a scientific investigation, since I'm not going to be collecting stool samples or swabs and testing what viruses or bacteria were to blame (if any), it's more intended to be a resource for emet's to turn to in times of crisis - like if your bf/gf or mom or dad, sister or brother etc gets ill and you're stuck in the house with them, you can see at a glance how many other people have been in the same situation, how they coped and indeed, hopefully find reassurance in the fact that they didn't get ill or opposingly you can learn from their mistakes.

    So basically if anybody is interested in helping me put this thing together I'm looking for anyone who has shared a house or car or otherwise been in close proximity (location wise) to somebody who's been ill for a prolonged period (eg: you were stuck in the house with them the whole time while they were ill), and I'm really just looking to hear your stories (so long as you don't mind re-telling it), and then answering some basic questions, like who was ill, what your possible exposures were, did you clean the house, how often did you wash your hands etc.

    And once I've got a bunch of stories together, I'll put it up on a website - with all names/personal details removed and anonymised - and we will hopefully have the beginnings of an 'emet database' haha! I'm hoping to have a basic version of the database up and running by next week.

    If any of you here are interested in helping me out to create this 'emet case studies' database then please let me know. I'm interested in people who did unfortunately get ill just as much as people who didn't. To save this thread getting messy and confusing with all the back and forth, if you could PM me if you're interested that would be perfect, or post here and I'll PM you

    Thanks again all!
    Last edited by SilentFrog; 03-06-2015 at 08:30 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    I don't have a story to share, but I think this is a great idea. I would definitely use this as a resource. I am new here, but I really enjoy reading your responses to people. Thanks so much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    I don't have a story right now, but i will participate as soon as i experience exposure!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    I mean, we ALL have stories, do they HAVE to be recent?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    Hey Tasmith, thank you so much for the compliments that really means a lot to me!

    hlov2 ~ They don't have to be recent at all, my only thinking was that people would be more likely to remember recent experiences so I thought it would make it easier, but I'll go and change that now since otherwise we're missing out on potentially a whole trove of useful information. Thanks for the great suggestion!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    so where do we post our story? On this thread?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    I'll send you a PM in a sec hlov2, thanks again for wanting to help, I really appreciate it
    The frog has retired. Occasionally he reads PMs, when he isn't hopping around happily from one lily pad to another. He wishes you all the very best, and hopes that you find the archive of his posts informative.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    I'm brand new to this board but I would be happy to participate and help you out with your research. I'm a mom of 3 small kids living with a ridiculously paralyzing fear of all things v*( I'm so new here that I'm not even sure if I should use the full word!) . I fear my kids getting sick- this is a daily, constant battle in my mind- and I worry about witnessing someone else getting sick and worst of all for me is how terrified I am of ME getting sick and v*-ing. I am so paranoid about this that I have somehow managed to avoid v*-ing completely for the past 15 years, and through all 3 pregnancies. I probably have some interesting stories for your research, lol! Feel free to pm me anytime 😁

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    Hey teagan,

    First of all, welcome! I'm glad you've joined up to the board, if you ever need any support or you're having and bad day with emet, it can be an excellent resource. I must admit the members here are so friendly and supportive, I've been talked out of some real bad panic attacks in my time here Your story is quite remarkable really! Fifteen years and three pregnancies v* free, that is quite an achievement! I'm really looking forward to hearing more about it, I'll give you a PM in a second too
    The frog has retired. Occasionally he reads PMs, when he isn't hopping around happily from one lily pad to another. He wishes you all the very best, and hopes that you find the archive of his posts informative.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    SilentFrog, I've seen your posts and replies and I would just like to say that I think you are the coolest thing since sliced bread

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Help me with my research?

    Leighs ~ Haha! Thank you! That is such a compliment, you really made me smile there, thank you again!
    The frog has retired. Occasionally he reads PMs, when he isn't hopping around happily from one lily pad to another. He wishes you all the very best, and hopes that you find the archive of his posts informative.



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