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Thread: Throat Closing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Throat Closing

    I have this weird thing in my throat like it's hard to swallow - I feel so nervous and now my stomach is getting all messed up. I can't sleep. I am afraid I am going to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to breath or be sick. I met my nurse friend for dinner tonight and she told me that she had a horrible migraine yesterday and ended up getting sick in a work sink... WHY?? WHY TELL ME THAT!! I freaked. Hardly able to eat dinner tonight and now I am extremely anxious.. I JUST want to be able to SLEEP!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Throat Closing

    It's anxiety and nothing more, when I'm super anxious it feels like there is a huge lump in my throat and I find it hard to swallow, sometimes it feels like I have a throat spasm where it closes for just a second, that is also anxiety. If you don't eat your anxiety will get worse, try eating little and often, chewing gum can help with the lump in the throat feeling, it will pass and you WONT be sick from it. Your friend was sick because she had a migraine, sickness and migraine go together, normal people who suffer migraines find that the awful headache is relieved by being sick. She wasn't contagious, you are fine



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