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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Chicago, IL

    Default Vent about Facebook!

    Why does everyone feel the need to post about themselves or their kids getting the *sv!!!?? I can barely be on there certain times of the year b/c it triggers such panic knowing it's going around. Ugh. I don't understand the need to post it for the world to know! Haha... I know this is my irrational emet tendencies coming out, but it's definitely a bad trigger for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: Vent about Facebook!

    I agree, I don't know what the fascination is about advertising vomiting on Facebook, you never see anyone telling all their friends they have diarrhoea do you?!! It doesn't bother me seeing it though, because to be honest I would rather know if it was going about in my local community so I can be extra careful as I don't know about you but I do get a bit slack sometimes when it has been absolutely ages since the last local outbreak and I would rather know about it in advance than find out after catching it

    If it is a trigger then stay off FB for a while, it's not worth getting yourself all worked up over x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Vent about Facebook!

    I agree! The posts have slowly diminished, but it also helps me stay more alert on my OCD hygiene issues when using public restrooms also. My boss' wife posted it also and sure enough, I doubled up on rubber gloves and cleaned the bathroom and stood 5 feet away from the whole family for a few days. Luckily, her hubby didn't get it also. But for a good 2 weeks I kept seeing it on my news feed. As soon as I opened Facebook in the morning. Definitely caused my nerves to go haywire. I've noticed it's more parents with kids who post those types of statuses. I think it must be some type of code to spread the word out to other parents of young kids to look out, the bug is going around. (This is my 1st post, please forgive me if I didn't type certain words correctly. I've been dealing with emetophobia since I was in the 2nd grade. 29 yrs old now).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: Vent about Facebook!

    I guess in some ways it's a good litmus test for if the virus is going around or not.... but I'm more in the camp of ignorance is bliss. I keep my sanitizing up anyways, so would rather just think everything is okay then be paranoid that it's going around!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Re: Vent about Facebook!

    I'm 50/50 ... If it is somebody close or that I know I will be in contact with them or their family soon I would rather read it to then be able to rearrange visits etc rather than just show up and be told 'oh I had SV this week' , when it's people that don't live near me or I know I won't be coming into contact with I hate because I still panic about it even though I know there's no way I can possibly catch it from them ... So it triggers a pointless panic attack!
    I have to be awkward 😝



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