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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Is this the Thrive programme?

    I've seen loads of comments about the thrive programme so decided to look it up and try it out, the only thing I can find on it is a book called "cure your emetophobia and thrive" by Rob Kelly. Selling on Amazon uk for £28. Can anyone tell me if this is the right book before I end up wasting 30 pound on bugger all :/

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    That's the book everyone is always talking about

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    This is the one, courtesy of Amazon UK:

    The frog has retired. Occasionally he reads PMs, when he isn't hopping around happily from one lily pad to another. He wishes you all the very best, and hopes that you find the archive of his posts informative.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    Brilliant thanks hopefully this book works for me, lots of 5 star reviews on Amazon so it's looking good lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    I'm thinking of buying that book. I'm the most cynical and sceptical person in the world so I can't quite bring myself to part with my money. Let us know if you think the book will help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    To be honest I thought it was a joke lol £30 for a book but if it works or even helps a bit then it will be cash well spent. I ordered it last night so it should arrive in a couple of days I'm looking forward to getting started because Im having a major relapse at the moment so need help badly

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    I'm heading to one of the THRIVE workshops next April, so if you're skeptical and can hang on, wait until then because I'll be reviewing the whole thing in full - and this from somebody who'd never even heard of Rob Kelly or Thrive before!
    The frog has retired. Occasionally he reads PMs, when he isn't hopping around happily from one lily pad to another. He wishes you all the very best, and hopes that you find the archive of his posts informative.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    What's a thrive workshop? I'm not even really sure what the book is all about at all, but so many people have mentioned it on here I'm like I need this lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    I've been seeing a Thrive consultant for 6 weeks and it's defi helped me. I'm the most sceptical/ cynical person out there, have a degree in psychology, and have tried everything to help with this fear in the past (EMDR, exposure therapy, hypnosis, medication, mindfulness, CBT, acupuncture, talk therapy, NLP, EFT, and various other acronyms lol) and nothing has made any difference up until now. To find a programme that actually focused specifically on emet is awesome (I have had to explain it to so many psychologists and therapists who've never heard of it) and to discover there was a consultant near me was amazing. It's been hard work and I'd say I'm only about half way there although I've been through the whole book now but it's so worth it. My thinking's slowly starting to change and because it's person centred you feel so proud of yourself because it's up to you to put in the work. Although I still have my moments I can defi see a difference. I inadvertently cleaned up vomit at work a few weeks ago, and didn't have a complete breakdown and I've got quite a lot of my safety seeking/ avoidance behaviours under control. I don't sleep with the light on or sitting up, don't obsessively check the dates on food and have left my anti anxiety meds and anti emetics in the car for the last 3 weeks (I'm working up to binning them altogether!). Tonight my stomach's been grumbly and off but I'm telling myself it's not nausea it's ibs and that I can cope with it. Sorry this wasn't meant to turn into an essay but it's nice to share something positive!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    That's amazing Kam, I'm really happy you're seeing improvements. I've been watching Rob Kelly on You Tube and I have to say, he's the only person who really seems to understand how destructive the phobia is. When I've had CBT the therapists didn't seem to understand it at all. They only offer treatment to help manage the phobia. Well f*** that! I've been managing it for 28 years and it's miserable. I want a cure. Maybe I will get that book after all.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    It's defi worth a go anyways! Even if it doesn't cure you I'd say that at least some of the exercises will be helpful!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    Seriously guys go for it. I've recently done it/read the book and I can now say i'm over my fear. I'm just checking in on the forum to see if I can now help/support other people and offer advice. You can view my story and a link to a video I made on the Triumphs section of this forum. I suffered from this fear for 10 years and it IS possible to get over, I promise. Katie x

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Is this the Thrive programme?

    Ive just started it fingers crossed it works for me too



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