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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Child not well :(

    So my 2 year old son has been ill since Friday with a viral infection bless him.. I'm terrified he's going to v* but seen as he's been up and down with it for 4 days now it's highly unlikely he will! We're due to fly next week on holiday just me and him alone, so I'm in panic mode that I'm going to take not well for flying and if anyone's going to catch it off him it's going to be me he turns into a total mummy's boy when he's not well and I'm the only one secretly freaking out inside! But what can you do I can't exactly stay away from my own child because he has a fever! Viral infections are easily spread! what's my chances in not catching anything or is it a definate il be hit with fevers, sore head, sore throat, aches, pains and feeling s* in the next few days

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Child not well :(

    My post sounds actually really selfish and to be honest if I wasnt flying with him alone next week I wouldn't be worrying about catching a viral infection

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Child not well :(

    Honestly, in 10 years of parenting children I've never caught a fever from them. I don't think it's common for adults to catch that stuff from kids. Most of the bugs that they pick up we've built immunity to. I honestly don't even think about it when they are sick with that stuff as I just assume that I won't get it, and I don't. My oldest (10) has never caught any of that off of his brother, so I really believe that you have nothing to worry about. Are you giving him antihistamine to help him dry out? All will be well before your trip!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Child not well :(

    Yea I'm really hoping I don't get it, it's the travelling while smothering and choking that's got to me. He's on a baby painkiller so I'm hoping it doesn't last too much longer. He's (touch wood) rarely ill with anything that's y I'm pretty nervous right now ugh

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Child not well :(

    I'm 32 and I have a 23 year old brother. I can only think of once or twice - MAYBE a max of 4 times - that an adult in my house caught something like that from either of us. It was usually me and my brother catching it from each other. I avoided several things from him by using a different bathroom when he was ill. And any of the times I was sick before he was born I can only consciously remember my grandmother catching it once.

    Funny thing is, is,I can think of like 8 different times in the last 10 years that my mom has gotten a stomach virus. I guess since she doesn't have kids in the house anymore, she's not as careful about washing her hands/ disinfecting surfaces

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Child not well :(

    And strangely enough, my grandfather never caught anything from either of us. Not even when we both had chicken pox (he'd never had it). Even my 28 year old aunt caught it. Not my grandfather. (There were 8 people living in my house at one point, mostly adults)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Child not well :(

    He's nearly over his thank god but not quite there yet I'm showing no signs yet I hope it stays that way lol usually I wouldn't bother with viral infections it's purely down to having to fly next Thursday and the stress of being back at work after 7 weeks on the sick my mind can't cope with sickness of any sort
    your situation is pretty like mine growing up there was 7 of us in the house 5 kids mother and father and I can never ever remember anyone with so much as a cold expect me with a handful of sv that no one ever caught off me that's why this phobia kills me I have zero reason to be afraid of sickness yet it terrifies me



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