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Thread: Second round

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Unhappy Second round

    Okay, so I posted a thread on here awhile back in 2013 or 14, can't remember. Anyways I had got the stomach bug. It started off with my brother, then I got it. Well a lot has changed since then. I recently got my first job that I started a week ago and I've been doing amazing dealing with my anxiety and emetophobia. I honestly thought I was close to getting rid of the fear. I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning to go to work with my brother but he had text me saying "I'm not going in I'm sick, tell the boss". So I went down to check on him and of course he had got a stomach bug. JUST like last time, all over again. Well despite being shaken with fear through the day, I got through it. But my boss handed me my payroll form and said I needed to take it back to the bank because there was an "error", so I did. I get paid tomorrow so that form HAS to be brought into work. But right now my stomach is grumbling really badly like last time, I have gas and had a little d* yesterday night. I really feel like I'm going to get sick either tonight or tomorrow. I HAVE to go to work though or I won't get paid. I started to have a breakdown here at home. I started crying, yelling, punching. Fuck this. I knew it would happen at the worst time. It's just been such a stressful day. I fear that I cannot afford to take a day off work since I'm only a week into it, I think I will get fired. Even if I do take a day I remember what I felt like even a day after having the stomach bug, my stomach was still sore, I did not eat anything and I was hazy. Plus I need to put gas in the truck because my brother probably won't be going in tomorrow either, so I can't drive with him to work, but I have not got paid yet. My family was wondering why I was crying but I was just so irritated I could not talk to them, because usually they just tell me "It's just a small bug, you'll be fine". Everything has just been piling up today and it's mainly because I know my brother is sick, which I hope he gets feeling better soon. I know I'll probably catch it because I have a strange thing where when someone is sick I have to take care of them. My ankles have bloody marks on them from wearing my working boots, which hurt all day, I'm fixing to get ready to start my period, I'm worrying about getting sick, I had to rush to the bank, I'm worn out and I just want to sleep for an entire month. I just really needed somewhere to rant. Hopefully I don't get violently ill. I just mainly need it to wait out until Thursday, please God. If any of you who have a job, please tell me how you deal with it while having emetophobia?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Second round

    Hey, how r things now? Hope your brother is better and you escaped it this time. I'm sure the extra stress of having to work is putting the pressure on you which then leads to a lot of symptoms caused by anxiety but these can easily be misinterpreted as a sv*.

    As for those of us who work, in my personal experience I try my best to go into work even when Im not feeling 100% but there have been times when the worry of v* has caused me to take a sick day. Each day you manage to go and stay in work builds up your confidence.



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