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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    UK, Northamptonshire.

    Unhappy Awful stomach cramps, D* and n*..

    Well, I know for sure it isn't a virus because I get this a lot nowadays, so that's eased my panic somewhat... but I was freaking out because I felt absolutely awful. I had dinner earlier and the cramps came on straight after eating. I couldn't go for a BM at all until an hour later where it was the opposite and the D* started. My stomach was popping and felt bloated as well. After the D* started, I got a slight fever and felt really n* so of course I was freaking out although I know it's not a virus. It's just that thought that I could STILL v* at the back of my mind that bothered me. I'd get these horrible burps that were hard to pass and the v*/liquidy taste after forcing one (not a good idea, I know). I feel somewhat better now, but I know it will probably happen again if I eat.. I'm scared something is seriously wrong with me and that I will v* eventually. It's only a matter of time.. :/ I had some water about an hour ago and I'm still fine, but I'm anxious about eating.. I think it might have been the pickled egg I ate earlier - not my dinner. I'm really not sure.

    I just want to feel fine most of the time...
    Virtue - "You don't need a reason to help people"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Northern California

    Default Re: Awful stomach cramps, D* and n*..

    it sounds like you might have IBS. ALso these are physical symptoms of anxiety. hang in there



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