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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default I think I may have caught it, any advice please?

    So, some of you may remember I posted earlier this week about my boyfriend getting really sick with v* and d* this past saturday. Well I didn't end up catching it from him this weekend but I saw him on Monday (the day after he stopped having d*) but I was really careful about washing my hands and I didnt kiss him. We also were not at his house so there were no germs there. However, I saw him again yesterday (72 hours after his symptoms stopped) and we kissed and cuddled, but I still was careful about washing my hands. Anyway, I have been feeling gassy and bloated all day and about an hour ago it built up until I had a large amount of really soft stool. I am now fully panicking and think I may have it. I already took a Zofran but still feel kind of n*. Do you think its possible I caught it? He is convinced I am not sick because he thinks he had food poisoning, since no one else he was around got sick. Any advice? I am really freaking out here. Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: I think I may have caught it, any advice please?

    Hey, so I had a similar experience a few months ago when my bf got a bad stomach bug. He was sick all day on a Saturday and still not feeling great Sunday. That Monday, I went with him to the library and afterwards I kissed him. I was scared, and definitely thought I had caught it, but I never got sick! I even kissed him again the next day, and that Friday he came over to my place and we kissed and cuddled. Stomach viruses aren't spread via saliva, only fecal material or vomit. Since you've been practicing good hygiene, I'm sure you're fine!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: I think I may have caught it, any advice please?

    Thank you so much for the reply! It definitely makes me feel a lot better. However, and this may be my anxiety going crazy but I was thinking that maybe his toothbrush still had virus particles in it since he used it the night he was sick. And he has been using the same toothbrush ever since. Do you think they could have stayed on the toothbrush that long? Or maybe they wouldve fallen off with each use of brushing his teeth? Haha I know this sounds super paranoid. But I did have loose stools and Im feeling pretty unwell. I havent gone to the bathroom again in 2 hours though. Maybe thats a good sign? Thank you so much again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Re: I think I may have caught it, any advice please?

    Hi Sarah
    Although your BF should get a new toothbrush (it's just wise to get a new one after any sickness) you have nothing to worry about. You are not sick, you're scared and anxious.
    I've relayed this story before on IES so my apologies if I've told you previously. I had a nasty SV about 7 years ago where my stomach was iffy and felt vaguely yucky most of the day. I'd gone to bed and woke up feeling really strange about an hour later. I went to the bathroom and it was full blown water D. Within 10 or 15 minutes I'd had D several more times and had horrible legit N. It was awful and there was no question that I had SV. Somehow with sheer willpower I managed to not V, although it was a constant struggle to hold it off for about 6 hours straight with no break (thank you God )
    Anyhow my point is that other than feeling yucky, there was no gradual build up. It hit fast and it hit hard. From my understanding that's typically how it works so if you have been Ok for the past few hours, you're going to be fine.
    Glad your BF is on the mend.
    “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
    ― John Milton, Paradise Lost



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