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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default please help?? kind of freaking out... need reassurance

    Hi everyone, so I'm going to a concert tonight with a few of my friends and I've actually been pretty excited. But I was feeling pretty anxious about it yesterday and I had the usual feelings of anxiety like adrenaline, fast heartbeat, etc. For like the entire night last night. This morning I woke up and felt like I had to go to the bathroom (like #2....tmi sorry). Usually when I get anxiety this happens but today I just had like watery d* and its freaking me out. I don't think I have a sv, I'm not n* or have a fever. My mom said she also had d* this morning so I'm guessing it's something we ate last night?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: please help?? kind of freaking out... need reassurance

    Definitely could be something you ate, especially if your mom had it too. I have that happen on occasion due to the foods I ate the previous night. Usually with no other symptoms but a few hours of occasional watery d* and then back to 100% normal. Just try to stay hydrated and eat some foods that are unlikely to irritate your digestive system further (my go-to is saltines, bananas, and gatorade.) The fact that your anxious could be making it worse. Just try to be kind to your stomach/digestive system for the next day or so (no greasy food, spicy food, etc.) and also try to stay distracted - focus on the fun you will have at your concert!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Re: please help?? kind of freaking out... need reassurance

    You're nervous about the concert. That's all. Trust me. The digestive track is heavily influenced by anxiety.
    Don't worry, I used to be a performing musician. I've been to more concerts than I could ever count and I've literally never seen anyone get sick or gotten sick from being at one.
    You'll have a great time!

  4. #4

    Default Re: please help?? kind of freaking out... need reassurance

    I have been EMET-FREE (ish) for a few years now, even gotten s* from a hangover once and I am just on here because of a small relapse kind of (an out of the ordinary situation that caused me to seek some support) BUT I saw your thread and wanted to comment because during my time anxiety free I realized one thing that I ALWAYS freaked out about (d* or looseness) is something that I get a LOT from sooooo many things that have nothing to do with me being s* (Greasy food, coffee, ANXIETY, hormones, medicines, alcohol) I mean seriously I look back on the times where I thought oh no something bad is coming because i have some d* and wish I could go back and be like ok that is RARE that it will actually develop into something more you will be fine

    I hope you enjoy your concert and do not worry about d*!!!! (easier said than done but seriously, it's perfectly normal every now and then!)



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