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Thread: care taker

  1. #1

    Default care taker

    My daughter just came down with a SV and I am her main care taker. My husband's work schedule doesn't allow him a lot of unscheduled time off. I am completely freaking out because I have been helping her v (she's 3) and clean her up along with bedding, and other items. I am terrified I will come down with it too. I need some reassurance that I can make it out of this without getting it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: care taker

    For sure you can! My kids both catch at least one bug a year, sometimes two, and one year my youngest had FIVE episodes of v*ing. FIVE!!!! I haven't caught a bug in over 7 years. You can do this and avoid the yuck. MOST people do, emetophobic or not!!! We're here for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: care taker

    like syrup said, you can avoid it if you take normal precautions:

    wash hands frequently
    change linens and wash in hot water
    use bleach or hydrogen peroxide wipes/spray to disinfect
    make sure you swap out toothbrushes and towels after illness passes
    wipe remotes and door knobs and other things she touches frequently

    bleach or hydrogen peroxide wipes are the key, they kill noro and SV particles (google for details and amounts for bleach solution).

    my son is 8. he had sv at least once a year.

  4. #4

    Default Re: care taker

    Well I guess so far so good. She has bend fine for over 12 hours now. Now I worry I will get it. I have been washing my hands like crazy and bleaching and lysoling. I'm so scared.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: care taker

    Remember that it's your anxiety that is getting the best of you, not reality. There's not reason to continue bleaching and Lysoling. If she's done v*ing the ONLY thing you need to do is to ensure that her hands are clean after she poops. That's IT! You're TOTALLY safe. You really are. Repeat that to yourself.

  6. #6

    Default Re: care taker

    So far so good. We have made the 48 hour mark and I did the last crazy sanitize session today. I have been doing some breathing and meditation and have been feeling more relaxed about it. Feeling cautiously optimistic at this point. I found this website at just the right time. Thank you syrup!



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