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  1. #1

    Default Do you guys find that...

    With emet, or IBS or any of these deathly digestive probs, you can go weeks...days... Months without anything going wrong and BAM ! Your stomach flips and goes Cray....
    For the past few days(including eating a raw looking chicken!) I have been feeling FANNNTASTIC. I've been trying to help people during attacks on here and have felt so great for a good 1-2 weeks with the odd heartburn, and have even eaten a load of food for the first time in ages. Well I was having a good day yesterday and spoilt it after I had a very rich caramelatte(coffee being the culprit once again..I need to stop taking advantage of my sporadic tummy) and ever since felt hungry but like sly hunger which gets you to the point of not eating. So I starved all night then managed some crackers chocolate and potato chips(naughty..). At bedtime I started feeling weird and a bit hot and stomachy, couldn't quite decide that it was n* just unsettled and meh, couldn't think of food... And I have woken up during a dream where I had to down a dry bag of coffee granules(GROSS) for a challenge and set myself into a panic cos my stomach just feels odd... I am due on in about a day and hope it is this and not that chicken I ate from McDonald's on Tuesday....it would have definitely gone through my system right? I still can't quite say I have n*, merely cos I barely get bad n* anymore(thank God) but I'm shaking and am not gonna go to class!

    Ugh, I was doing so well folks and the slightest odd feeling petrifies me!!! Just wanna die haha ....can feel the anxiety taking over though cos if I relax I feel OK.
    Not exactly sure what am tryna say here but is it the same for you guys in terms of stomach occurances? I'm a bit scared as I go home in one month for Christmas...DUN DUN DUUUNNN! If it IS my period then I will be off by the time it's actually Christmas eve/day but yeah just so damn unfortunate being a woman. Actually no, an EMET woman! Haha.
    Hope everyone is as healthy as I wish I could perceive myself as.
    Last edited by thecheesecake17; 11-19-2015 at 01:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Do you guys find that...

    Been having a setback myself. Random terrible waves of n every day that are relieved by eating as strange as that sounds. Tons of gas as well and just an overall unwell feeling. For 10+ years I was doing really well but the past year I've started with the regular nausea attacks again. I'm so over this whole thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Do you guys find that...

    I've definitely had the same type of thing happen. Even now, with as well as I'm doing I'll occasionally have a day or night where I just feel super gross and off and I start to wonder if it's sickness creeping up. Even though overall I don't feel afraid of getting sick anymore and I feel confident handling it, I still worry more than the average person that I AM sick (because who wants to be sick?) I think it's leftover thought patterns from when my phobia was really bad. It's hard not to count incubation times and stuff like that when you did it so seriously for so long. It's hard to forget about the way germs spread, or what those pre-sickness feelings are. Even when you're not necessarily terrified of it anymore. Does that make sense? It's a habit that's hard to break.

    So just look at this as a little set back. Your brain takes a long time to break certain thought processes and it sounds like you're doing fairly well overall so just keep looking forward. Use the momentum from the progress you have made to encourage you to keep going. Remind yourself that even if you do get sick (for any reason) you're going to be fine. It's truly nothing to be afraid of.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Do you guys find that...

    Quote Originally Posted by thecheesecake17 View Post
    I am due on in about a day and hope it is this and not that chicken I ate from McDonald's on Tuesday....it would have definitely gone through my system right?.
    well it's Friday now (technically Saturday cause it's late where I am) and you posted this Thursday, so no, definitely not the McDonald's. You definitely would have already been sick from it, if that were the case!

    i have IBS and sometimes my stomach just wages war on me. I've gotten pretty good at telling the difference between IBS and something "wrong" but sometimes my anxiety gets the best of me anyway



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