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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    City of Bath, England.

    Default Sometimes I just sit and worry

    Today has generally been a crappy day. One of those days where the anxiety just won't quit. My hormones are all over the place which NEVER helps, but my thinking and mindset always turns sour when the first round of *SV's go around my town.

    Facebook seems to be my enemy at this time of the year. I see a status that says "So and So is feeling unwell" accompanied with a stupid little green faced emoticon that has starting to fill my newsfeed. I find myself digging through the unwell persons Facebook, trying to figure out why they caught it etc. It's unhealthy and only causes me more anxiety.

    I'm currently sat here in bed, trying to sleep but instead fighting horrible thoughts of "what ifs" and "I could've caught it because I did x, y and z today". I know that most of my thoughts are irrational and frankly illogical, but I still can't stop the worry and panicking and overthinking.

    ERGH, I just want this medication to kick in and then I can try and sleep and forget about it all. until tomorrow...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Default Re: Sometimes I just sit and worry

    Quote Originally Posted by CathyDavies View Post
    Today has generally been a crappy day. One of those days where the anxiety just won't quit. My hormones are all over the place which NEVER helps, but my thinking and mindset always turns sour when the first round of *SV's go around my town.

    Facebook seems to be my enemy at this time of the year. I see a status that says "So and So is feeling unwell" accompanied with a stupid little green faced emoticon that has starting to fill my newsfeed. I find myself digging through the unwell persons Facebook, trying to figure out why they caught it etc. It's unhealthy and only causes me more anxiety.

    I'm currently sat here in bed, trying to sleep but instead fighting horrible thoughts of "what ifs" and "I could've caught it because I did x, y and z today". I know that most of my thoughts are irrational and frankly illogical, but I still can't stop the worry and panicking and overthinking.

    ERGH, I just want this medication to kick in and then I can try and sleep and forget about it all. until tomorrow...
    Hey! I understand where you're coming from...I hate seeing those status updates too, they give me major anxiety. Even though we know our thoughts are irrational, they feel so real and they're hard to fight. Have you tried deep breathing to counteract the anxiety?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sometimes I just sit and worry

    I woke at 5am this morning and did the 'have I caught' thing as I have been very relaxed about hand washing...it's almost like when I have a good stomach day I am calm, which is awesome and I wanna say the emet disappears which again rocks but as soon as I get to feeling anxious I'm like 'oh ffs. I've gone and caught something haven't I!!!'

    You'll have bad and good days, don't worry at all....anxiety takes advantage so much of them bad days but remember usually these thoughts, like fiat money, aren't really there. It's not a big monster to be afraid of...even n* in general is just the brains way of converting panic and generally our bodies are completely fine and never catch anything. When you have a worried thought try remember the last time you caught something and it should ease...



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