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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    East Coast USA

    Unhappy Exposed, scared, and it's the holidays. Could use reassurance

    Hello All - Happy holidays and Merry Christmas. Hope you are all doing better than I.

    I could really use some help. I'm not really thinking clearly so I apologize if this is in the wrong section.

    This started a few weeks ago when I had to take some Cipro for a week for a UTI. It seems to have worked and luckily I have no n*, v* r d* while on it but it caused me some crazy panic attacks. I already have anxiety so I assume it just made it worse.

    I stopped taking meds a week ago and have been eating some yogurt, so I am not sure if my symptoms are indigestion caused by my good gut bacteria being wiped out.

    Yesterday was a work office party and I ate a lot - the most in the time since I've taken my meds (they caused loss of appetite due to panic) so I ate a bagel, candies,a brownie, cookies, a small hoagie, pulled pork, pasta salad and some veggies - then had bacon and eggs for dinner.

    I felt a burning sensation in my stomach a few hours after work and after I ate dinner. I started to freak out because apparently a coworker was out the day prior with a stomach bug but he was in yesterday. I touched doorknobs that he touched and ate with my hands - I washed them several times but I am afraid that I might have put food in my mouth or touched my face with unwashed hands without realizing it.

    I took a Pepcid AC tablet and felt bloated afterwards but the burning subsided.

    Woke up today feeling off, had a heavy stomach and felt the need to go #2. I went and did not go a lot and feel like it was strained (TMI -it was solid). I still feel queasy/indigestion like a burning and heaviness in my stomach and when I get anxious I feel like I have to d* but nothing happens. Also no fever, and a really dry mouth with a gross taste.
    I've been awake since 7:30 AM I have refrained from eating for the time being and pretty much cancelled my Christmas eve plans due to my gross feeling and anxiety I am not a happy camper and I am freaked out that this is form interaction with a sick coworker/contaminated items yesterday.

    Should I be worried?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Exposed, scared, and it's the holidays. Could use reassurance

    I really think you will be just fine, really. I know its hard to be logical when you think you might've been exposed, believe me I KNOW but do your best to just to enjoy your Christmas plans. Remember, if even if you started not feeling well (which won't happen) you could always leave and go home. That is what I tell myself. I was exposed this week myself and that is what I'm going with right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    East Coast USA

    Default Re: Exposed, scared, and it's the holidays. Could use reassurance

    Thank you for the assurance, Leslie! I think it was just an angry stomach from all of the different foods I ate, plus some anxiety (it's bug season after all) as well as stress from the holidays. Doesn't help that I stopped my meds a week ago and I think my digestive system is still trying to rebuild itself.

    My Christmas was a success! Sadly my Christmas Eve could have been better but I did get out for an hour. It's exhausting having this fear



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