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Thread: 14 hours later

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default 14 hours later

    My friend is still sick downstairs and I've been upstairs all day only went downstiarts once to make soup. I am praying I haven't contracted any virus because I figured I'd probably get it tomorrow. I Have a horrible head ache right now which is probably from stress and not eating a lot today. I plan to stay home from classes tomorrow just to make sure I don't have anything. My friend got it from her boyfriend and he was with us all from Friday to Monday and thats when he started to show symptoms . I didn't have any direct contact with him. My friend kissed him so I figured thats where she got it from , I'm not sure how to get through with this I've never been so worried before . What should I do? I keep washing my hands everywhere she touched because she took showers this morning but I still don't know. I hope I'm not infected my chest just hurts thinking about it. Its been 14 hours in since she started showing symptoms. I made a post earlier I'm just so worked up over it. I haven't had this flu since 2010 and I really dont know if I'll be able to handle this. I hope its just a 24 hour thing if anything. She hasn't v* since earlier today around 3 o clock . That could be some good news I take. I really dont know if or when I'll get it what day ill be sick. I was thinking tomorrow or Thursday . I'm just nervous on so many levels.

    If you guys had it this year how exactly did you get through it? What made v* easier for you? What did you eat and drink.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: 14 hours later

    Honestly I think you need to get out of the house. If you don't have a reason to be there - get out, get away, give your body some time to relax away from the stressful situation. I think you should go to class tomorrow. Don't stay home because you may have been exposed to something and may get sick because the chances are just as good that you won't get sick. If you stay home you're letting the phobia win. It'll be good for you to get out anyway. If you leave and end up coming down with something then you can go home but don't avoid leaving just because you MIGHT get sick. Because any one of us MIGHT get sick on any given day but you need to focus on the moment and current situation which is that you are not sick now. Just focus on each moment that you are not sick.

    I did not get sick this year but I do remember the last time I had the bug. V* just happens. You don't have to work to make it easier. It's natural, so try not to fight it. It will be gross every single time. It will be unpleasant. But it's over so fast and you usually feel so much better after and realize that it wasn't a big deal that you're actually somewhat happy that it happened. Try to make a good situation out of a bad one and focus on being PROUD of yourself if you do vomit because you faced your biggest fear. My best piece of advice is actually to just let it happen when your body wants to do it. Fighting it prolongs the suffering. It doesn't make you feel better. It doesn't make you get better faster. It just makes you suffer longer. I think most people will agree that the nausea and preceding moments are so much worse than the vomiting itself so just let it happen. Eat minimally while you're active vomiting but try to keep hydrated as much as possible. I always liked popsicles or frozen coke - but whatever tastes good to you and gets fluids in. A lot of people do ginger ale for its anti-nausea benefits, although I personally hate ginger ale so I don't typically go for that one.

    You totally can handle this if it happens but in the meantime try to just keep living as you normally would - don't let the phobia win.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default Re: 14 hours later

    I know how hard it may be but I think you should go to school. Anything to get away from it, it's obviously not doing you any good being in there around this, like Afdpt said. Can I honestly say how proud I am of you though, even though I don't know you, it's incredibly bold & brave to stay there. But I seriously think you should get out somehow

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Default Re: 14 hours later

    Thanks guys I stayed home from class today. I haven't gotten sick yet which I am hoping that's not gonna happen. I plan to get back to class by tomorrow or Friday. I'm slowly calming down I ate a little more today . My friend isn't sick just in bed with a head ache which is understandable . Thank you for the tips I'll keep you guys posted. I brought out disinfected hand wipes today and just disinfiected everything downstairs. Door knobs, Garbage can, tables, She did the bathroom . I kept my distance today as well.



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