
yesterday i went to a pharmacy to pick up something to my stomach
nauseas and the pharmacy doctor he gived me a name of a
neurologist doctor... im taking nausefe pills at night before sleeping
and a brain capsule for estimulating the brain u know...u know what?
the nausefe worked... i slept very nice this night... well about the
neurologist doctor , i never tought about that, maybe it works what do
u think? coz my case is i don`t know if i have emetophobia, or un
ulcera or nervous system or if im depressed... Anyway what i know its
in spite of having maybe a desease i really have fear of v*

This doctor he only could give me a consult in may can u believe
that? we are in the midle of march... but my mother she told the
secretary about this damn situation of nauseas and that and the
secretary went to talk to the doctor to see if he could give me a
consult earlier... and about 10 minuts the phone was ringing... it was
her to say that im having my consult today at 19:00 pm...

You think its a good idea to see a neurologist? Anyway he is the brain
doctor u know! and he is a psychiatrist too.. maybe he can help maybe
he understand my problem u know... i`ve explain so much to the doctors
and they get all wrong ... i think that the doctors here in portugal
dont know about emetophobia i guess... My god i just wanna have peace
... i want us to have peace everybody with my problem... Emetophobia
its such a terrible phobia ... doesn`t let us live our life like we did
wen we was young... i wanna be young again ... i wanna be a baby...
thats happyness... to be a criature that doesn`t know anything about
the world... so he doesn`suffer so much... we already know about
our stomach and how he works if we didn`t we were ok! do u know what i
mean? ...

Give me your opinion please!

Thank you


Can we fight this forever?