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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States


    Ok, so usually I don't post my own topic, but today I'm really scared. My tummy has not been feeling good all morning, it's been really crampy and gassy (sorry TMI) and making gurgly sounds. Now i've been trying to calm myself down, telling myself that there is nothing to worry about because it gets this way a lot. However, I have been freaked out this week anyway, because my job has me going to local highschools and handing out scholarships from my company. (schools=lots of germs in my mind) Anyway, I just overheard a coworker ask another coworker why someone else wasn't in her office. The coworker replied, "oh, she just called in and said that she doesn't know if it was something she ate or what, but she's not feeling well" or something to that effect. I haven't been around the co worker a whole lot recently, but I have used our bathrooms a lot lately, but i always wash my hands and am real careful about that kind of stuff.....sorry for the long rant, i'm just getting more and more scared by the minute and was hoping for some comforting words. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Well, if she called in then I would say you are in the clear. I would be more worried if she was still in the office. If it hit her over the night, then she wasn't contagious earlier in the week when you were around her. And now with the weekend coming that gives her a couple of days to get over it before you see her again. Try not to worry about it - you haven't been exposed. I worry more when coworkers feel the need to come in when they are sick instead of staying home!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I know how you feel. My husband is currently sick with vomiting and diarrhea, and I don't know if it is a virus or not. So I'm terrified to be around him. If you have been really careful about washing your hands, you should be just fine. Did you read post where Sage's son answered a lot of questions for us? It said the only way to catch a stomach virus is literally through your mouth, and if you put your fingers in your nose. You cannot catch it by breathing the same air. I think it also may have said if you touched your eyes you could get it (can't remember). I'm nervous because sometimes my husband isn't the "cleanest" person and doesn't always wash his hands. But if you do, don't worry. Do you have IBS? Maybe something you ate just isn't agreeing with you. It doesn't mean you will be sick.



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