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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I just feel like I am doomed. Maybe it's because my husband has been having stomach problems lately, then my coworker. I think it is just keeping v* on my brain. Tonight my husband had a softball game through work. When he got back, he was really tired and hungry and I didn't feel like cooking so we decided that Arby's sounded good. The closest one to where we live is pretty old - I like going to the newest restaurant in a fast food chain. So we are pulling up to go through the drive through and I see one of the workers bending down outside the door to go in. Immediately I think she is v*, and I couldn't really tell for sure because my husband drove by too quickly, but she was bent over some hose looking thing, so she was probably just trying to fix it or turn it on or something. Anyway, I am determined not to let my emet get in the way again (plus my husband would have thought I was crazy if I made him go somewhere else because a girl bent over in front of the restaurant) so I ordered my food and we brought it home and ate it. Everything tasted fine, of course, but there is still something nagging me thinking I am goign to get food poisoning from eating there. I ate it about 3 or 4 hours ago and I feel fine, but I am so worried that I am going to wake up sick. I really hate it when I get like this. I have just been so stressed out with emet situations lately that I think I have regressed a little bit.

    Well, thanks for listening. I just needed to vent. Even though my husband is really understanding about my emet, some things I feel like I just can't tell him. The only people that really understand are other emets.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I think if you were going to get fp, you would of been feeling sick right now. It's just the phobia makin you worry...your probably fast asleep, and you'll read this in the morning, and you will be fine. I know I get that way too. When we were in Vegas, we went to a really nice resturant. I had convinced myself even before we sat down that something was off, and I wa going to get sick! I ate a salad and some bread, and I was convinced I had fp, and that I was going to get sick, but of course I didn't and everything was fine, like usual. Don't worry, everything will be fine....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Just keep reminding yourself how there is no such thing as being doomed [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Aww I know how you feel. The thing that always scares me is what you mentioned, waking up with it. Try not to worry, and vent as much as you need! I've had that feeling, where you fear going to sleep and waking up (and it really affects me after fast food) but trust me, and the others here, your chances of poisoning are slim.

    What kind of restraunt and the food you eat there is the variable. Any general fast food place or restruant should be good. But I personally am worried at ONLY the nuggets from mcdonalds (I eat anything else from there) and some chinese restraunts.

    I'm sure you'll be ok, and I hope you get through the night. Take care.

    Jay rough

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I feel awful today, but I'm not sure it is fp. It's mainly my allergies - I feel like my sinuses are going to explode and I haven't taken anything because I don't know what is safe while you are pregnant. I think I may call the doctor today and find out though. On top of that, my stomach is off. It keeps churning and gurgling and feels awful. It could just be from all of the sinus drainage, but I am not sure. I'm not even the slightest bit hungry which is unusual for me in the morning. I just got to work so I guess I will give it a little while and see if it gets any better.



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