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Thread: I’m scared

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    I'm having a rough day, and needed to vent. I am going on Zoloft, and it has been making me feel off, and I just want to feel good for once. I know the effects of the meds will be over soon, but it is still hard to get through.
    I'm visiting at my dad's for a few days, and I just talked to my husband, and he told me his mom (who lives next door) is not feeling well. I asked him what was wrong, and he said he didn't know, probably something she ate. AAAAAHHHH! Two days ago, before me and the kids left, my older daughter went over there to hang out while I finished packing. Wha if MIL has the sv?? Now I'm obsessing that I am feeling off because I am catching sv. My stomach really does not feel good. I don't know what to think. I'm trying to be calm and rational, but it is hard. I took a phnergan at about 11:30, because I felt off, but I still feel crummy and it is 2:00. I wish I could just sleep, but there is nobody here right now to watch the kids. I just need some encouragement. ANybody know how much phenergan I can take? I took 25 mg earlier.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I know that you can take one every 5 to 6 hours, so if you are still feeling off, you can probably take another one in a couple of hours. I know that its frustrating waiting for the zoloft (or other anti-depressants for that matter) to kick in. I am sure that you guys will be fine considering you haven't even been around your MIL. I know that it can be scarey to be around it though, (trust me, I am in the same boat.) I know that when I first started paxil, my stomach felt off for a couple of weeks, but once it kicked in, my stomach felt sooo much better and I rarely thought about my emet stuff. If you can hang in there, you will feel sooo much better once it has a chance to work. Hang in there, I know its rough, but you will be feeling better soon.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Thanks Silver, I know you're right. I have been on Zoloft before, and my emet was much better, not gone, but much better. I just have to get thru this first couple of weeks.



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