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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Okay, I need some advice. My best friend, whom I haven't seen in a looong time invited me and my girls to visit. She lives about 5 hours away, and I want to go, but I keep thinking what if her kid gives my kids sv, or vice versa. I hate thinking like this, and even 6 months ago, this wouldn't have been much of an issue. My emet has been so bad lately. I haven't talked to her about emet, though I think she would be supportive, as she is a bit of a germ-o-phobe, but definitely not emet, and she is generally very supportive. I haven't talked to hubby yet, or checked our finances to see if it is even possible, I need some opinions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    I always worry about the same thing when I am visiting anyone with children, but I think you should go. It is very unlikely thatyour friend's child would have a sv. If you haven't seen your best friend in a long time I think it would be lovely for you to meet up. I know how you feel though. It is always so hard to get the courage to do these things. I always have to really push myself as I refuse to let my emet stop me from doing everything I want to do. It does sometimes stop me doing things though. Good luck and I hope you dodecide to visit your friend.



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