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Thread: ocd?

  1. #1


    i have this 'complex' where if i'm not perfect, not THE BEST ... i want
    to kill myself. if i mess up at work, i want to quit. if i don't get an a on
    the test, i want to throw it all away and quit school. like it's either all
    or nothing.
    and now my boyfriend's gotten a job (i was the only one working up
    to this point). he works more hours. this is a really good thing for
    him, and i should be happy, but i am SO PISSED. i base my self
    worth off of 'being better' than other people rather than just being
    the best me i can be. but the perfectionism ... is that an ocd

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    well, it sounds like your have a perfectionist personality.. but I wouldn't say that's a sign of OCD. OCD has to do with obsessions and compulsions, its alot more than just being "perfect". I wouldn't be too concerned about that just yet. OCD is more like a stream of thoughts or images that you just can't turn off in your head, so you do rituals or compulsions to relieve the anxiety.

    it sounds like you have intense mood swings. Have you ever been evaluated for bi polar disorder or anything along those lines?
    ~*Jill*~ Teacher, Advanced BSc in Psychology

    "You can unlock any door as long as you have the right key". Mrs. Brisby, Secret of Nimh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I'm a bit like that, I have to be able to do certain things perfectly otherwise I think it's not worth doing it at all. Like with my artwork, I used to love painting, but now I'm so critical of my own work, if I do a painting and I don't think it's perfect then it's not good enough. I bin a lot of stuff which blows my fiance's mind as he says they were really good, but I just feel otherwise. I get so stressed and worked up about it at times.

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