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  1. #1
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    Mar 2005
    United States


    Hi everyone, I have been a lurker for a long time. I am a 39 year old emet and have been since I was two.I am also a married stay at home mommy to three small children.Someday I'll post my story.

    Anyway, anyone else see the special on the Discovery Channel about the Duggar family? There have been several specials with this family who had 16 children, and the latest was one where they go on a road trip. Of course I'm thinking someone is bound toget sickon this trip. Well, there is one scene where they all go on a airplane over the grand canyon and you guessed it, all but three of the Duggars got airsick, including the dad. They all seemed to take it so calmly, just holding the bags to their faces. I would have been ready to jump off that plane! Even if I felt fine being the emet I am I would have gone nuts being stuck in a tiny airplane with 15v*ing people. Anyone else see it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I saw it! I actually thought about starting a topic on it as well. It didnt bother me too much since they didnt make us hear the noises or whatever. Did you see when they interviewed one of the girls and she said she was praying bc she didnt wanna get sick on the airplane? I was wondering if she was an emet after that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    My husband and I watched that show last night, and I remember thinking, "Wonder if they will get through that trip vomit free?" I wonder if they have ever had all 16 of them sick at the same time with something like an SV? I wonder if any of those 16 children are emet?

    Welcome to the site joellegirl!!!!

    Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    I haven't seen that particular special, but I have seen others on the Duggar family. I have often wondered what the parents do when one of the kids gets a sv, as they are in pretty close quarters.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    On a completely different note- I'm more interested on what's going to happen if all or the majority of the 16 children will want to go to University, and which ones will rebel against their upbringing.

    *shrug*....I'm also the type that checks out car accidents when we drive by.

    Welcome Joellegirl!


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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by crimgoddess

    On a completely different note- I'm more interested on what's going to happen if all or the majority of the 16 children will want to go to University, and which ones will rebel against their upbringing.

    *shrug*....I'm also the type that checks out car accidents when we drive by.

    Welcome Joellegirl!

    Haha, I feel the same way! I WAS homeschooled (only child though) and am totally afraid of being labeled as "one of those" strange people.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I have that show taped, just haven't seen it yet. I love following this family --- I love their specials! I think it is amazing how organized and well mannered their household is.
    I\'m always a shade of purple...
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  8. #8
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    It sounds really interesting. I looked at their website. Its something how she can have 16 children, and they are all really well behaved and have definate value systems. Part of me thinks many could learn something from the way they do things, but also I wonder about the older kids caring for the younger ones so much, and also how the kids are going to function in the real world (outside the home) when they become adults.

  9. #9
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    I get mixed feelings when I watch the shows about this family. They seem to be happy, and the kids have great manners, and the parents are really devoted to them. I just wonder if they aren't maybe a little too isolated from the rest of the world.
    I don't think being home schooled necessarily makes a person "wierd", but I have come across that attitude a lot, as I my husband and I are thinking about home schooling our children. A lot of people seem to think that if you homeschool your kids, they will be socially isolated and miss out on a lot. I don't necessarily agree. It's all in how you go about it. I have talked to a lot of homeschoolin parents online, and their kids get to do a lot of activities with homeschool groups, and go on "field trips" places, and take lessons and classes. This is what I want to do with my kids. I just think the school system in the US is lacking in a lot of ways, and I don't want my kids to have to suffer for it. Sorry, long post. Just something that has been on my mind lately.

  10. #10
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by daffodil
    I get mixed feelings when I watch the shows about this family. They seem to be happy, and the kids have great manners, and the parents are really devoted to them. I just wonder if they aren't maybe a little too isolated from the rest of the world.
    I don't think being home schooled necessarily makes a person "wierd", but I have come across that attitude a lot, as I my husband and I are thinking about home schooling our children. A lot of people seem to think that if you homeschool your kids, they will be socially isolated and miss out on a lot. I don't necessarily agree. It's all in how you go about it. I have talked to a lot of homeschoolin parents online, and their kids get to do a lot of activities with homeschool groups, and go on "field trips" places, and take lessons and classes. This is what I want to do with my kids. I just think the school system in the US is lacking in a lot of ways, and I don't want my kids to have to suffer for it. Sorry, long post. Just something that has been on my mind lately.


    If you're considering HS your kids, I can enlighten you a little here: My 15-year old daughter is homeschooled for a couple of good reasons. She is very sociable, well-rounded, and gets along great with people. She is not shy (a little out-spoken actually), not a geek, and not weird. Ugh, I CAN'T STAND the stereotype that homeschoolers fall into!!!! It really upsets me to no end. You are right, in that HS kids do get to "socialize". My daughter's school has over 1500 kids enrolled, and they have monthly FREE field trips, different clubs to join, and "socials", to get to know each other. I have weekly phone conferences with her teacher, who monitors her progress, and she's always available by phone or email. She just graduated 8th grade in a formal graduation ceremony held at a church. This school sent her a brand new computer and re-imburse us for the internet. They send all of her textbooks as well, all free to us. She still needs to take the state-mandated tests, usually in a hotel conference room with other kids. This particular school is totally free, and is available in several states. I say if you want to HS your kids, go for it!! They are YOUR kids, and it's YOUR family's decision. For our reasons, it has worked out very well, and I couldn't be happier for my daughter. She loves it. If you'd like more info about it, you can PM me[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img].Edited by: californiagirl

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    I have seen episodes on them, not that particular one but now I will be looking for it. My only question is::: HOW does the mom do it??? I cannot even imagine...and as someone else said, what happens when they get a virus??? I can't even begin to think about it!! </font>

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I dont think its the homeschooling thats gonna scar them. You can homeschool, and still not shelter your children from the outside world. I too wonder if any of the Duggar children will rebel agaist their upbringing. It will truly be amazing if none of them do. I know on one of their other shows I heard the mom say that they only hang out with other families like them, and that hopefully their oldest son would find his life mate thru that. At the end of this latest show, I was waiting for them to say she was pregnant with No. 17 ..................

  13. #13
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    United States


    Home schooling isn't bad, I was homeschooled for my last year of highschool and I still maintained friends and had a social life...then again I wasn't home schooled for YEARS on end. A friend of mine had been home schooled for a while but had just been introduced back into public school and no one thought she was weird...in fact she was just a little bit smarter then the rest of us LoL...but she had a lot of friends and she was very well mannered. There's nothing wrong with Home schooling. And no I've never seen the show in question but man I had a hard time living with TWO other sisters...I can't imagine living with 15 other sibilings!

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    My problem with homeschooling is that in my opinion it doesn't prepare a child to deal with the distractions that will present themself once they return to a "normal" school environment or post secondary education. I am a firm believer that only half of what you learn in school is the result of teaching. The other half is learning how to negotiate the environment, time management, and peer relations.

    I have seen kids that were homeschooled and who entered university with very high grades crash and burn because they couldn't handle the distraction (workingin a constricted space with many other pupils, social groups, etc)and different learning style that was required. I do think that homeschooling does shelter a child to an extent, because they don't have to deal with the pressures that children in conventional school have to deal with in the learning environment- some may view this as a good thing, but you can't protect them forever, and I would rather have my kids exposed to this and have guidance in learning how to overcome these obstacles at a young age as opposed to it happening for the first time when they are older and possibly out of my home.

    I also find it very suspect that there is very little independant research done on homeschooling- most of the research I have encountered was done by the companies/organizations themselves, so they have a vested interest in the results.

    To each their own- everyone has a right to think what they want and do what they think is best for their children. I don't thinkhomeschooling will make someone a social retard who doesn't know how to interact with others- that's like saying that all public schooled kids will be drug addicted teen parents. I just don't think that it is necessarily the best preparation for a post secondary education. I also loved the fact that in highschool I had teachers who had direct experience with the subject they were teaching- some of whom worked in the field, or has post-grad degrees. Those qualifications, I think, gave them a better appreciation of the subject matter, and I got a lot more out of it that solely what was in the course material.

    About the Duggars- I feel kind of sad for the older son who they want to hopefully meet a girl in the social groups and families that share similar views as they do. There is so much of the world out there to see and so many people to meet- I feel as though he is missing out on a lot by only seemingly interacting with those with similar world views, as opposed to getting out there and learning from others who may be different from you, but whom you can learn from.


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  15. #15
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    My husband's cousin homeschools (ed)all 5 of her children and is pretty strict and faithful like the Duggars. Her oldest is 19 now and hasn't rebelled, her others are showing no signs of it yet, either. I wish I had the patience, dedication and money to homeschool my kids!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Thanks for the welcomes. I have to say that I was also thinking they were going to announce number 17 was on the way. I think they should stop while they are ahead. They have 16 healthy children and the mom is pushing 40. I long for number #4 but I am also pushing 40 and worry even though I know the majority of babies are fine.

    I am just so amazed at how organized they are and that they have no debt. I only have three kids and I can't seem to get as organized as them and be debt free!



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