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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    I had a call in work yesterday from my next door neighbour. She asked me to pick her kids up from school as she was ill - she'd just v* and was achey, feverish etc. I dropped the kids off and spoke to her briefly, she looked terrible but hadn't v* again. In fact, she did only v* the once. I was hoping it wasn't a sv but I've just spoken to her now and having been fine through the night, she has had d* all day! This is definitely a sv, isn't it? I've tried to stay calm as I know I can't catch anything from just talking to her but it's still unnerving. Our kids play together but thankfully they are at their dad's tonight.

    And what's worse, I went into school today, it was an open day to look at my daughter's work. I was in her classroom and a little boy was sitting on the teacher's knee crying. Then I saw another mother rushing out to get tissue as the kid had just thrown up - eeeewww!! Can things get any worse?

    I didn't freak out, I just kept myself and my daughter at the other end of the classroom. She came home with me shortly after so I'm trying to convince myself that she'll be fine.

    I hate this though - two episodes of v* in the past 24 hours...who says things improve when the weather gets warmer?!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Aww, suze, I'm sorry ... that sux! You're right, you cannot catch anything from your neighbor simply from talking to her. Her kids aren't home so yours won't be over there and exposed so you will be fine. It could be an sv or even food poisoning or soemthing. Either way you're going to be OK.

    As for the kid at school ... ewww ... but if it makes you feel better when I was a kid it seemed every year at least on kid v* in the classroom and I never caught anything from them.

    I know it's nerve wracking but you're doing very good hanging in there!
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    Sorry you have had such a bad 24 hours. I really hope you all stay well. The little boy in your daughter's class may not have had a sv. A child in my daughter's class v*d last Friday and I was really worried, but it was not a sv, but tonsilitis. If you were not too close to the boy you should be fine.

    I do not think you will catch anything from your neighbour, but I know I would be just as worried as you are. We all spend too much time worrying.

    Well done with not freaking out about the little boy v*ing in your daughter's class.



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