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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    United Kingdom


    I was recently on holiday for the first time without family just my mate and me we are both 18. Had a couple of nervous experiences relating to emetophobia firstly on the plane on the way my friend started saying she felt she was going to throw up when I was sitting there with her in the seat next to me trapped at a window. I felt so paniced and didn't know what to do and it's awful knowing you have 4 hours left sitting there with nowhere to go. I just told her to sip some water and go to the toilet if she felt really like she was going to then tried to fall asleep to sleep by it all I was lucky thought cause in the end she didn't. I've never felt so happy to get off the plane. Later in the holiday I also had another problem though cause one night we went out for a drink and she only drank two alcopops and a cocktail (which we have had more of before) and when we got in she started saying she felt really sick. I was in such a panic I just had to tell her to go to the toilet and sip some water again and I went into bed with my MP3 player in my ears, music up louad so I couldn't hear. She came back in 10 minutes later and said she was sick.. a lot. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img] I was glad it was over and I didn't hear but I'm usually the kind of person who feels oh my god I can't use that toilet now kind of thing and on holiday there is only one toilet and a lot of days left. Also she has told me in the past that when she is sick at home she is sometimes in the sink and I find this totally disgusting because this is where people clean their hands, face and teeth and it is not the place to throw up into that should always be done in the toilet where the other disgusting things go. I was too scared to nask her whether it was in the toilet or sink because I knew it would make it worse if I knew for definite I was a bit wary going in for the first time looking around the sink and stuff incase she managed to get any around the place. I was also hoping to god none managed to reach my towel, the soup or my toothbrush. Even though it was bad I think this kind of helped me though since I had to use the toilet and had no choice whereas at home I have two and could either get my mum to clean the one someone was sick in or use the other.I felt a bit better the next day later when the maid came in and cleaned hoping she had cleaned the sink and toilet and the floor.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Good for you for getting through it. I think it's true, sometimes when we are forced to cope, we just find it in ourselves to do so, and realize we are stronger than we think we are.[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    Yeah, well done for coping. Sorry you had to have a few rough times but at least you can takes some positives from the trip.



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