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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I have been doing so well with my emet until today. I dont worry so much with the what if's anymore, I just freak out when it happens, and it happened today. I had to take my son to the doctor for a sinus infection this afternoon, and my girls stayed with their Papa. He had to go to the bank, so he took the girls with him. At first, I thought she might have just gotten to hot riding in the truck. The air conditioning inst the best, but they didnt have too far to ride. Now, (seeing as how she threw up kool-aid she drink while I was typing this post) I think its probally a stomach bug of some kind. Funny thing is, she is acting fine. She's not all lethargic and moping around. I am so upset because we had plans to go out of town this weekend, and now that is ruined. Sometimes I feel like we just cant go off and do anything. Whatever this is, it may just affect her, but I dont think I am going to brave going off somewhere and have someone else get sick. She and my oldest daughter ate the same thing for lunch today, and so far my oldest daughter is fine. What they ate was one of those Kid Cuisine meals. I dont know if maybe the chicken in my youngest daughters was bad or something. It had ice on it, so I wonder if maybe it had thawed out some and then gotten re-frozen or something. Im a bad moma, I shouldnt have fed it to her. My oldest even finished off the other stuff she didnt eat. I am just so upset about the whole situation ........... she's sick, our plans are ruined, and now I have to wait and see who or if it hits anyone else.

    She is sitting in the bathtub now with her Daddy singing, I just dont understand it. She acts like she feels fine.

    I just read this again .......... My daughter was not in the bath tub WITH her Daddy, he was in the bathroom watching her.

    Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I meant to add that I guess I should cancel our reservations at the hotel, right? I am just afraid that this late in the game, they will try to bill us for one night or something, seeing as how we are canceling so late.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    United States


    I'm so sorry this is happening. In JUNE!! Gosh, does this thing ever go away? UGH! BUT, hopefully it was just one of those random kid things, and will turn out to have been nothing. She doesn't sound very sick. If there's no more v*, do you think you'll still go this weekend?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United Kingdom


    I am sorry you are having to go through this.It always seems to happen when we are doing so well with our emet. It may not be a sv, I really hope it isn't. You are definately not a bad mum for feeding your daughter what she ate. If your older daughter is fine then I am sure the food was fine. I am glad your daughter seems happy enough now. I hope she feels better soon and that you are o.k.

  5. #5
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    United States


    I was hoping it was the heat initially, but then when she drank that kool-aid, almost two hours after the first episode, and threw it up ............... Im not so sure anymore about my heat theory. Dont know about the food though ............. hmmmm

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    United States


    i would wait until she v's again. my kids v every 30 min when they are sick. see how she is....fingers are crossed for you! And maybe she is getting the sinus infection your other child has and it is drainage?

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  7. #7
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    She doesnt sound all chugged up like he does though. We shall see what happens. I did give her a phenergan after she got sick the third time, but then she pooped not long after, soooooooo, I dont know if it took or not. She is drinking a little more kool-aid now, so we shall see what happens. I guess I should just go ahead and cancel our plans, I dont know if I would be able to relax and have a good time anyway.

  8. #8
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    Well, so far ......... she has been fine. The last time she got sick was about 7pm. Its now 9pm where we are. She ate a few french fries (thats what she asked for) and has drank some flat coke, and so far so good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    United States


    Thats one of the worst parts about being an emetophobic,....when your child gets sick....sounds like your husband is very supportive as is mine and we are lucky. It sounds like you gave her a phenergan suppos. I just wanted to let you know that phenergan comes in a cream you rub on thier wrist and it takes effect about as quick. Its easier on the kids and you. You might ask your Dr. about it. I want to tell you not to worry,..but if your like me,.....I still do...smiling....we just make it through these times the best we can and like I said,...sounds like you got good support.

    You might try a soda cracker,..only one with a little 7-up that is shaken so its no so fizzy. Salt is very good for nausea even if its a virus.

  10. #10
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    United States


    i am sorry. i did not realize she v'd so many times. does she have fever? I am so sorry

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  11. #11
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    Hopefully it's not an sv if she's acting normal and feeling fine otherwise - you know how sv's make you feel fluish, too. Maybe it is the chicken, but arent' those kids cuisine things precooked? Well,maybe someone at the factory messed up, you never know! Hope she's feeling better soon, and that it's not contagious.

  12. #12
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    Yes, those Kid Cuisine's are pre-cooked, but my oldest daughter had one and she has been fine, but her chicken didnt have ice on it. I was so looking forward to this trip this weekend, and now I dont even know if we should go or not.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    It really doesnt sound like a stomach bug to me. I would go ahead with your plans!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by madisonsmom

    It really doesnt sound like a stomach bug to me. I would go ahead with your plans!

    I would too, if anything it will help you forget what happened today and your stress level would go down so you could enjoy yourself. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

  15. #15
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    United States


    I just talked with my hubby about still going on our weekend trip. He says we should still go, even my aunt says we should still go ............. but I am hesitant. Even IF we do go, I will be a nervous wreck all weekend, be scared when we go out somewhere for fear that this will be the time when one of my other two children will fall ill ............. I think that if we can and Im not going to be able to enjoy myself, that it will just be a big waste of money. My husbands train of thought is that if our oldest daughter is ok by tomorrow afternoon, that everyone else should be ok. She was the one closest to her when she was sick. Still, whose to say is this is a bug, that it couldnt have a longer incubation. If it is a stomach bug, I dont know where she would have gotten it. Well, we were in Wal-Mart yesterday, and she went with my hubby and her Papa yesterday to get some pea's from some farm near here ........... I guess she could have picked up something at one of those places. I hate this, I just wanna cry ........

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    You know, kids sometimes seem to throw up for no reason from time to time! Maybe it's just one of those things. My son, for instance, v* twice this past Monday morning and recovered completely within a couple of hours - and I have no idea why! It wasn't hot or really humid in his bedroom, he hadn't eaten anything as it was first thing in the morning, he had no fever, it beat the hell out me! I knew itwasn't an sv, so I wasn't terribly worried. I read that the reason why kids seem to throw up at the drop of a hat is because their esophaguses are shorter and it's much easier for the food to come back up, their stomachs don't have to work quite as hard to regurgitate as an adult's.

  17. #17
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    Well, its midnight here and all is quiet so far, I am gonna go to bed and try to get some sleep. My son has one more day of his day camp ........... I hope he is alright tomorrow and doesnt come down with anything, if my youngest has anything he could catch.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    United States


    I would go. It sounds like she is fine. Just go and have fun. No one will catch anything![img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  19. #19
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    United States


    Debbie, I wish I could be that positive!!!!

    We made it through the night, and she is up now and asking for something to drink ............ so, we shall see.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Jenny -

    So sorry to hear about your daughter not feeling well. Sounds like maybe it was a food thing if she only v* 3 times. If all goes well this morning - I'd throw caution to the wind and go on your trip.

    Good luck...

  21. #21
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    I sooooooo want to be able to throw caution to the wind and go, but I am scared. She is drinking this AM, and so far so good, she hasnt asked for anything to eat. She's just kinda laying around, and she says she is sleepy. My mother in law thinks that she just got too hot yesterday when she was out with her Papa. I didnt find out until this AM that when he took my girls to the bank with him, he asked them if they wanted to go in with him, or sit in the truck, they chose to sit in the truck, and he just rolled down the windows, and parked them in the shade ................. that made me mad, it was probally still too hot, no matter where he parked, or had the windows down. So, if it was the heat that made her sick, would she still be feeling bad this AM. She hasnt gotten sick since 7PM last night.

  22. #22
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    I think she could definetely still be feeling really tired, plus she's likely a little dehydrated. Heat exhaustion (sp?) can make a person pretty sick. Are you planning on leaving today or tomorrow?

  23. #23
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    United States


    We were planning on leaving today. She is up and playing now. She is asking for some pretzels, and I dont have any, so I am fixing to go to town and get her some, then go from there.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Leigh, I am so sorry you had to go through this!! AGH!!! I know how you feel, Logan just v'ed out of the blue last week, too!!

    I think you should still go--take the Phenergan with you, just in case!! (And maybe some Lysol!!) Because if it was a bug, look at how fast she got over it!! But I think the hot truck could have done it to her!!

  25. #25
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    See, that is what I am wanting to think, that it got over so quick, maybe, just maybe it wasnt a bug. I mean, my oldest daughter is still ok, and she was right there when it happened .......... I know incubation periods can vary, but, most of the time when they all get something, its usually within 12 hours, sometimes even less.

    I am leaning more towards going ..........

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Good, I think you should go!! Overcome the emet!!![img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Pack your bags and go have some fun!!!!!

  28. #28
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    Well, I called the hotel to see if we even could cancel the reservation if we needed to and she said we couldnt, soooooooo we ARE going. OMG, I cant believe I am actually going through with this!!!! My youngest daughter is fine, and so is everyone else .......... So, here we go ............ I hope the hotel has internet access!!!! Please everyone, send you prayers, and/or good thoughts, our way!!!!

    Thank you all so very much!!!!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United States


    GOOD FOR YOU!! Many prayers and good thoughts sent your way!!!!! .........You all have fun!!!! Edited by: californiagirl

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Good luck, let us know how it goes!!



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